code segment:
world << "Before Dir [Dir]"
ND = forward.OD
Dir = ND
world << "OD[OD]/ND[ND] ... Dir[Dir],dir[dir]"
return ..()

What I want to do is have the mob move in ND when it hits this Move() proc. That's why i'm chaning Dir = ND. How ever it seems no matter what ND is set at. The mob keeps heading east.

So any body know what the problem is?

Any one who tells me gets a credit in the source code.
Green Lime wrote:
code segment:
> OD = ND
> world << "Before Dir [Dir]"
> ND = forward.OD
> Dir = ND
> NewLoc = get_step(src,Dir) // Need this
> world << "OD[OD]/ND[ND] ... Dir[Dir],dir[dir]"
> return ..()

If you don't set the new location, then it will still move to the one already set.