![]() Aug 11 2004, 10:05 am
Im trying to make a profile form like icon chatterz.I have made the form it works in the normal browser but when i try to add it using browse() it dont work anyone know how to fix this
![]() Aug 11 2004, 10:16 am
No, because we do not know what you did. Either explain in such complete detail that we can make logical assumptions as to what your code looks like or show us a snippet.
#include <dantom\htmllib\htmllib.dme>
mob verb DisplayDefault() var/Form/default/frm = new() usr << browse(frm.DisplayForm(),"window=Edit Profile") //create a new instance of the form. Form default submit = "Finish" var name age location Description IdleMessage iconstate icon icon_interface = PROMPT_FOR_ICON race race_values = list("Neuter","Male","Female") HtmlLayout() return \ {"<font color = "white"><bg color = "black"> Name: [name] Age: [age] Sex: [race] Location: [location] Description: [Description] Idle Message: [IdleMessage] Icon: [icon] Icon State: [iconstate] [submit]"} ProcessForm() //called when the submit button is pressed = name usr.age = age usr.location = location usr.desc = Description usr.idlemessage = IdleMessage usr.icon = icon usr.gender1 = race usr.icon_state = iconstate |
frm.DisplayForm() its that bit that is wrong i just cant figure out what to put there everything i can think of dont work