OK what I want to happen is when the monster is attacked the monster repsonds and it attacks back, but that's the problem... Its not happening.. So what you need/want(this is at will you know ;))to help me with is it needs to attack back, here.. Take a look.
Attack(mob/M in get_step(src, dir))
if(recover==1) return
spawn(10) recover=0
var/damage = rand(0, src.strength)
var/guard = rand(0, M.defense)
damage -= guard
if(damage < 0)
damage = 0
M.HP -= damage
s_damage(M, damage, "#FF0000")
var/damage = rand(0, src.strength)
var/guard = rand(0, usr.defense)
damage -= guard
if(damage < 0)
damage = 0
usr.HP -= damage
s_damage(usr, damage, "#FF0000")
PS. Noobies steal this I ono what will happen, this is not a coding for grabs -_-.. Yes I do relize that I posted the exact same thing in newbie centeral.. But for some reason no one will help, so I am leaving this to you guys..Thanks IN Advance.
Jul 9 2004, 6:09 pm (Edited on Jul 9 2004, 6:19 pm)
In response to Unknown Person
You forgot to pass the parameter to MonAttack() in your example. It should look closer to this:
if(!M.dead) // if they aren't dead |
In response to Jon88
This is why I shouldn't type while tired. :/
In response to Unknown Person
In response to Unknown Person
Sorry guys but my friend is actualy doing the battle system and I am trying to help him out, so please could you tell me the placement orders to these procs and junk(Junk is a refferal to the coding..)?
In response to King_Dragoon
Why in gods name did you double post here and in newbie central? Please only keep the same topic in one place :)
In response to XzDoG
Xzdog the reason is was because I wanted to change the area where I was posting this in, since some users couldn't help me in newbie centeral I moved it into here..
In response to King_Dragoon
King_Dragoon wrote:
Xzdog the reason is was because I wanted to change the area where I was posting this in, since some users couldn't help me in newbie centeral I moved it into here.. Make your post in a single place. If it needs moving, the mods will deal with it. |
In response to Jon88
No one was answering my question on my battle system delema so I moved it here.. -_-
In response to King_Dragoon
I am the one doing the coding, the problem is. The zmonster is attacking, but only once. Because I call it in my attack verb, it attacks and thats it. I want it to continually attack. Oh, and the reaosn i am using usr, is because i tried it with M instead and it was giving me a bunch of errors. Says it cant locate the info or something. Please help
Replace every "usr" in those two procs with "M".
Usr is unsafe in procedures.
At the end of your Attack procedure, add in a check.
if The opponent is not dead
if They are a monster (using istype())
call M's MonAttack() procedure
It should look simular to this:
(Please note that I am assuming you have these variables)