When I try to use my own library into a game of mine. I get a type mismatch error on line 187. I imagine anyone(IF anyone) who has even tried using it has encountered the error, too. Here's a link to the library

And... What the hell, here is the code.

    Del() //Now for the boxes deletion
for(var/O in Images) //clean up all the images
del(O) -= src //The player will no longer have that box -- LINE THE ERROR IS ON
if(! = null //If that was the last one, we need to get rid of the list for memory's sake
..() //Delete that box

The library works normally, but not when incorporated into another program.

Resonating Light
If isn't a list, subtracting an object from it won't work. It's probably null at the point the error occurs. A good simple error check here is to put if( before that.

Also, your if(! check is kind of useless; if that if() is true it's because is already null. An empty list is still a true value, so if(! is what you'd really need.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
I have made sure the list has been intialized before adding anything to it though. Inside of the New() proc for the Box datum. I did if(! = new. I think I found the problems here at school though. I'll test it again when I get home.

Resonating Light
In response to Resonating_Light
I did what you said to do. And I fixed up the Del() proc just fine. I also fixed a few other problems that arose. Eventually it led into the source of it all. It's because the New() proc isn't working with a world.view such as "12x11". Here's what I have to fix it.

        if(isnum(C.view)) //If the view is one number. e.g -- view = 6
maxx = text2num("[C.view*2+1]") //set maxx and maxy
maxy = text2num("[C.view*2+1]")
else //In case the view is something like -- view = "13x8"
var/xy = findtext(C.view,"x")
maxx = text2num(copytext(C.view,1,xy))
maxy = text2num(copytext(C.view,xy))

I get no errors with that, not even runtime ones. Instead it displays the message in the following code and deletes the Box datum.

        while(maxx < (width+x-1))//If maxx is greater than what the box extends to...
width-- //Then lower it by one
if(width < 1) //Check to see if it's fell below zero...
M << "The box was unsucessfully created due to the position of it's creation" //We gotta let em know
del(src) //If it has, then that means the player won't be able to see the box because of where it was created. So we'll just delete it.
while(maxy < (height+y-1))//Same thing, but for y
if(height < 1)
M << "The box was unsucessfully created due to the position of it's creation" //We gotta let em know

That's in case the box's width and height go beyond the clients view, it reduces it's size just enough to fit in the screen.

Resonating Light