I am having serious problems trying to get this code to work...
I don't see what is wrong, I tried
but that didn't work either.
if you could help out that would be great
Sep 12 2003, 8:01 am
In response to Lummox JR
still won't work
In response to Satans Spawn
I think Lummox means "Don't put usr in procs" or "No usr in procs" which are both actually quite different to "No, put usr in procs"
:P ~GokuSS4Neo~ |
In response to Gokuss4neo
I changed them from usr to src and it didn't work which is what I meant
In response to Gokuss4neo
Gokuss4neo wrote:
I think Lummox means "Don't put usr in procs" or "No usr in procs" which are both actually quite different to "No, put usr in procs" No infer comma that not used. Duh. Ungh. Lummox JR |
mob proc playertele() if(src.lasttown == "Stancia") src << sound('Castle.mid',1) src.loc = locate(38,21,2) else src << "We're sorry, the game world has lost you and we cant find a good place to put you so we'll just leave you in the \"Darkness\"" |
In response to Crashed
and the if has to pass, what if they werent in that town on logout/login whatever it is
check my code, it will help you debug |
Lummox JR