var/list/hairs = list("Parted", "Bearded", "Bushie", "Ceasar", "Mid-Aged", "Red-Bush", "Dwarfish") in Hair
help_text = "((Select a hair-style that best fits your character.))"
default_value = "Parted"
var/hair_style = input(src, help_text, prompt_title, default_value) in hairs
if ("Parted")
new_mob.Hair = icon('Head.dmi', "1")
usr.icoHair = Hair
overlays = null
overlays += icoArms
overlays += icoChest
overlays += icoShoulders
overlays += icoLegs
overlays += icoHands
overlays += icoBack
if (icoHead != null)
overlays += icoHead
overlays += icoHair
overlays += icoWeapon
Now, the problem is. When I equip my sword, it uses the Refresh_Overlays() procedure, and then it doesn't re-add my head or somethin, but when I equip a weapon, it deletes the user's head. Any explenations how I should go about fixing this?
Thanks in advance! With <3~