I guess all I can really say is that namecolor is coming up as invalid variable, src is coming up as an undefined var and the first line gives this error. :constant initializer required
mob/var/const/custombody = {"
<HEAD><TITLE>Options customize</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR = "#202020">
[namecolor]>This is your name color</FONT><br>
<FONT SIZE = 3 COLOR = "red">*</FONT><a href = ?src = \ref
[src];Action = namecolor>Set name color</a></P>
Resonating Light
Maybe if you made it mob/var/custombody instead of mob/var/const/custombody it would work better.
You can't use a [] notation inside of a constant string. The brackets tell DS to substitute an expression, and the substitution does not occur at compile-time. So it can't be put into a default value for a var like that.

You'll have to set up the var in New() or Login().

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Alrighty, thanks.