var/list/jobs = new()
jobs += "Black Mage"
jobs += "White Mage"
jobs += "Red Wizard"
jobs += "Fighter"
jobs += "Monk"
var/job = input("What job class do you want?","Choose job class.", null) in races
if ("Black Mage") new_mob = new /Mobs/Jobs/Black Mage()
if ("White Mage") new_mob = new /Mobs/Jobs/White Mage()
if ("Red Wizard") new_mob = new /Mobs/Jobs/Red Wizard()
if ("Fighter") new_mob = new /Mobs/Jobs/Fighter()
if ("Monk") new_mob = new /Mobs/Jobs/Monk()
(I think the indents got messed up.)
And here're the errors:
Logging In Mage: expected end of statement
Logging In Mage: expected end of statement
Logging In Wizard: expected end of statement
Those are for the end of the new_mob = new line. I'm not sure what the problem here is. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.