Ok,heres my code:

var/obj/at = new()
at.icon = 'AuraT.dmi'
at.pixel_x += 32
at.layer = MOB_LAYER + 5
mob/var/AuraT = at
mob/var/AuraB = 'AuraB.dmi'

set category = "Techniques"
if(usr.AuraS == 0)
usr.underlays += usr.AuraT
usr.underlays += usr.AuraB
usr.AuraS = 1

set category = "Techniques"
if(usr.AuraS == 1)
usr.underlays += usr.AuraT
usr.underlays += usr.AuraB
usr.AuraS = 0

NOTE:Code is simlified
Ok,heres whats what:
AuraT:Customized auras top part
AuraB:Customized auras bottom part
AuraS:Aura active or not

My problem is if the user log out with the aura on,then relogs and presses Aura off,only the bottom half vanishes......any clues as to why?

I am assuming this is a multiple tiled style user. Therefor it thinks the bottom is the user and the top is just something attatched to it. I don't have a solution but I can offer an idea of what the problem is, there you have it. I am probably wrong but its worth a shot to ask around on how to make the top considered part of the mob aswell.
In response to The Conjuror
Ok,thanks,that sounds logical enough....

So,drawing from that....How do i make an underlay not present in the users own tile part of the user?