example: I place an obj on another, both of them are half the turf large, so i can see both in the seeker. In the code, i have a MouseExited() proc attached to them both, kinda like this...

src.overlays += 'activated.dmi'

icon = 'icontop.dmi'

icon = 'iconbottom.dmi'

... in the dream maker, i put B on bottom and A on top, but when im in the seeker i run my mouse over them and only A gets the overlay, the same thing happens when I use turfs instead of objs, the same thing happens, i konw byond only supports one turf per square, but it supports multiple objs, so why doesnt this work?
Because, when you use procs like MouseDrag() and MouseEnterd() and MouseExit(), DS looks at the tile you're on, not the object. That is more for things like Click() and Dblclick(). Also, it might not work because the overlay is only going on the top object, thus being A. A has precedance over B, because A is on top.

Just think, 1 + 0 = 1...
In response to GoodDoggyTreat
ok, i get the first thing, how do i fix that? I cant use the Click() or DblClick() procs"(its part of the game)
the second is not a problem, that was an example, the real one i will be able to tell the difference when it happens