mob/player/verb/Attack() for(var/mob/monster/M in oview(1,usr)) if(istype(M,/mob/monster/Giant_Rat)) if(M.dead==0) Attack(M,usr)
Also why isnt my monster attacking the player or going after it when its with in 5 spaces.
mob/monster icon='Monsters.dmi' density=1 New() ..() GetDist(src) proc/GetDist(var/mob/monster/M) for(var/mob/player/P in oview(5,src)) if(P.dead!=1) if(P in oview(1)) Attack(P,M) else step_towards(M,P) spawn(10) GetDist(M) break
Because Attack() is calling itself over and over again.
That should be if(!M.dead) anyway.
Lummox JR