Ok, i have a code to get to another world, but nowi cant get back from the world i was in, exmple...
im in earth, i click timemachine and i go to future, now when i click the timemachine, in the future, i go to the timemachine in the future? how do i get back the the time machine in earth? heres code below!
mob/var/onearth = 0 obj/Time_Machine icon = 'Time Machine.dmi' verb/use() set src in oview(1) if(usr.onearth == 0) usr.loc = locate(1,1,1) usr.onearth = 1 if(usr.onearth == 1) usr.loc = locate(31,3,2) usr.onearth = 0 return

i dont think this is indented right!, i need the part to get back to earth? can sum1 help me?
This is a logic problem with the code. Read through it, and tell yourself exactly what's going to happen when someone uses the use() verb. Not what you want to happen, but what the code says should happen. It's a good exercise for debugging.