Can sum1 give me the code for pbags so it shows him hitting the punching bag? Heres code i have now!

obj Speed_Bag icon = 'speedbagg.dmi' density = 1 verb P_Bag() if(usr.stam <= 0) usr << "You need to rest first" else set src in oview(1) set category = "Train" var/pbaggain = rand(2,2) flick("swing",src) usr.maxpl += pbaggain += pbaggain usr.stam -= 2 usr <<"You gain [pbaggain] pl" usr.Learn(src, usr.maxpl)

State is sparpunch.
In response to Garthor
huh?? i gave u the code above?
How do i get my guy to hit the pbag, i got the pbag to move, just my char shows no fist movement, (hitting the pbag) , i need the code for that!?
In response to SSJ4 Radditz
SSJ4 Radditz wrote:
i need <font color=white>the code</font> for that!?

That is what Garthor was referring to. There is no such thing as "the code". You might as well demand that we give you the Holy Grail.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
You might as well demand that we give you the Holy Grail.

Oh, The Code is out there. It's a mythical thing, legend has it that its hidden deep in the depths of cyberspace. But it's out there, somewhere, waiting to be found by intrepid web surfers...