i got these errors in my game, but when i run it everything works fine? can sum1 help me?

error:rest :undefined proc
error:say :undefined proc
error:shout :undefined proc
error:attack :undefined proc

those are the four errors!

I will put the part of the code that the error is in...
in the order it is above^^.
rest() say(msg as text) shout(msg as text) attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1))

Those are the part of the code with the errors in it, in the order above!
Post the whole code to those procs, and where you use them, and then maybe we can help.

In response to Volte
<code> rest() if(stam == 100) usr <<"You are already rested" else usr << "You start to rest" sleep(10) usr << "You feel your energy come back" stam = 100 say(msg as text) view() << "[usr]: [msg]" shout(msg as text) world << "[usr] shouts: [msg]" attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) var/damage = str - M.def usr << "You attack [M]!" usr << "They lost [damage] pl!" M << "[usr] attacks you!" M << "You lose [damage] pl!" -= damage M.Deathcheck(src, damage) usr.Learn(src, usr.maxpl) </code>

There thats all its in!
In response to SSJ4 Radditz
rest() should be unindented one level, and all of those should have <code>verb</code> one indentation before them. Thus...
if(stam == 100)
usr <<"You are already rested"
usr << "You start to rest"
usr << "You feel your energy come back"
stam = 100

say(msg as text)
view() << "[usr]: [html_encode(msg)]"

shout(msg as text)
world << "[usr] shouts: [html_encode(msg)]"

attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1))
var/damage = str - M.def
usr << "You attack [M]!"
usr << "They lost [damage] pl!"
M << "[usr] attacks you!"
M << "You lose [damage] pl!" -= damage
M.Deathcheck(src, damage)
usr.Learn(src, usr.maxpl)

Erm, that is, everything else besides rest() should've been indentded by one, like I've shown.
In response to Garthor
if you dont actually learn to code, learn how to indent the code you copy right :)