I was designing a GPS system so people could use it to see whats around them like monsters or the landscape.
Well how I do it is I have an item icon that you get and then you use that to start it and a screen pops up and on that little screen there are dots that show where stuff is.

Now I was able to get the screen to hold the dots but I cant get the screen to appear on the top left of the screen and move when I move. Now first thing I tryed was North() procs it worked but they way to slow then I tryed Animation_movement var but it just stays there maybe if some one would tell me how to use that I could use that.

But with that not working I went on to the screen vars and used screen_loc but what happenes is I have my usr:GPSscreen which is the screen but when I add it to the usr.client.screen+=usr:GPSscreen it like makes a copy of it and paste it to the screen so I cant edit the one on the screen inless I do the usr:GPSscreen:overlayers+=playerdot and then add it back to the screen with the other code. But then I dont know how to delete the all ready made dots on the screen.

So now Im stumped! The answer is could someone please tell me how I could add the usr:GPSscreen to the client.screen without making a copy of it or please tell me how to use the animation_movement var.

Thanks thats all tell me if you need to see any of my code.
A lot of that was really difficult to follow. Why, exactly, do you have to make a copy of the icon to add it to client.screen? Is usr actually appropriate here--i.e., are you using this in a verb? Why are you using the : operator?

Your code would probably help--at least the code that creates the icon (that is, draws it), creates the obj to display it, and adds it to client.screen.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
A lot of that was really difficult to follow. Why, exactly, do you have to make a copy of the icon to add it to client.screen?
It doesnt thats just what happenes when I try and add the icon to client.screen.
Is usr actually appropriate here--i.e., are you using this in a verb? Why are you using the : operator?
Your code would probably help--at least the code that creates the icon (that is, draws it), creates the obj to display it, and adds it to client.screen.

Lummox JR

This verb is in the /obj/GPS/item which is what you pick up.
usr:GPSscreen=new /obj/GPS/screen(locate(usr.x-6,usr.y+6,usr.z))

This is the Update proc that is in the /obj/GPS/screen which is how I draw the things onto the screen obj.
for(var/mob/pc/M in view(30))
player = new /obj/GPS/player(usr:GPSscreen:loc)

usr << "[player:pixel_x]|[player:pixel_y]"
usr << "[M.x]|[M.y]"
usr << "[usr:GPSscreen:x]|[usr:GPSscreen:y]"
usr << "[M]"
usr << "[usr:GPScount]"
for(var/obj/flowers/red/R in view(30))
src:flower = new/obj/GPS/flower(usr:GPSscreen:loc)


As you can see I use the pixel_x,and y vars to get the location I plan on changing this to make it more afficiant for what I am going to use it for GPS system.

The fallowing is the player and flower types in the GPS obj.


These are what make the dots or the gfx on the screen.