Mar 10 2002, 1:23 pm
Could someone please tell me where I could find out how to do this. I think I have seen it in a Lib or Demo but im not sure. Thankies :)
Mar 10 2002, 1:31 pm
If i'm not mistaken, byond treates new maps as another layer of the previous map. I could be totally incorrect as I have not tried this, but try teleporting as if it were the next layer. If that doesn't work then sorry ~_^ (Blame zagreus!)
In response to Dreq
So you mean set the other map y=2? When I inclue both maps and run the game I get put somewhere really weird.
In response to Little Sally
Not sure what your asking. I decided I didn't want to get into that map business, so I simply made my game use the same map, just different layers ;) I guess I'll let one of the experts take this one, sorry :)
Little Sally wrote:
Could someone please tell me where I could find out how to do this. I think I have seen it in a Lib or Demo but im not sure. Thankies :) Each map gets loaded to it's own level. If the maps are separate, you don't necessarily know which order they will be loaded in. My way of handling this is to create zone objects, like so: obj/zone icon = 'temporary_zone_icon.dmi' New() icon = null return ..() obj/zone/zone_one // global variable for zone one obj/zone/one New() zone_one = src return ..() obj/zone/zone_two obj/zone/two New() zone_two = src return ..() Then I place the appropriate zone object in the corner of the map. I have an icon for it, which shows up on the map but gets set to null when the game is run. At anytime, I can find out the z level of a map by doing zone_one.z. This should go in Bwicki but now I'm too lazy to put it there... |