here is my copyer code.
set src in oview(1)
var/O = input("Pick an item to copy.","Copy Items",) as obj in usr
usr << "You copy a [O:name]."
new O(usr)
but when I try and copy a scroll it does this.
runtime error: Cannot create objects of type /obj/scroll.
proc name: copy items (/obj/copyer/verb/copy_items)
usr: Green Lime (/mob/darkpaladin)
src: the copyer (/obj/copyer)
call stack:
the copyer (/obj/copyer): copy items()
All I am trying to do is make another obj just like that one in the usrs invantory. Can any one help me please?
Jan 20 2002, 3:15 pm
In response to FIREking
FIREking wrote:
Green Lime wrote: It makes a new of that type but I want it to copy the name and msg in the Items. So basicaly I want to make a copy of that exact item. |
In response to Green Lime
There's two ways I know right off hand to make an exact copy, but they'd be overkill in this case. All you really need is to make a copy like FireKing's shown, and then just set its name and msg to the name and msg of the original one, right?
that might do it