Jan 22 2007, 5:35 pm (Edited on Jan 22 2007, 5:48 pm)
Hey if you ever want to play add me,jmoss1971.I got Madden 07 and Resistance Fall of Men.
What's a shandle?
Anywho, I guess you are saying that it is a scam or something. It is a game console, Sony is out to make money. Just like Microsoft and Nintendo. Sure, all three have different marketing strategies, but they all want the same thing, money. I have a PS3, but I let a friend barrow it. When I get it back, I'll post here. Also, Vandit, it's not a "Gamertag", if I am not mistaken, that is a XBox Live term. Sony Network handle or account will do just fine. Or you could just call it your PS3 name. |
my gamertag is