ok i changed the:

key = "Spuzzum"


key = "Seto-Strife"

and it still doesn't give me any GM powers
If you Have DeadRons Char Handling or Char Saving (same thing) running you won't get the powers
In response to Nadrew
On 7/8/01 7:04 pm Nadrew wrote:
If you Have DeadRons Char Handling or Char Saving (same thing) running you won't get the powers

Oh yes! That was another little problem I had with s_admin. I forgot all about it because it was pretty simple to fix. I worked around it by making it so when a non-GM (master in Darke Dungeon) mob uses a particular verb, it checks the key. If the key is mine, it creates a master mob and transfers all values of the regular player mob to the master mob.

Even better, you could perform the check in the character creation routines, but I wanted a way to have characters of my own that didn't have admin powers.
In response to Shadowdarke
On 7/8/01 9:24 pm Shadowdarke wrote:
On 7/8/01 7:04 pm Nadrew wrote:
If you Have DeadRons Char Handling or Char Saving (same thing) running you won't get the powers

Oh yes! That was another little problem I had with s_admin. I forgot all about it because it was pretty simple to fix. I worked around it by making it so when a non-GM (master in Darke Dungeon) mob uses a particular verb, it checks the key. If the key is mine, it creates a master mob and transfers all values of the regular player mob to the master mob.

Even better, you could perform the check in the character creation routines, but I wanted a way to have characters of my own that didn't have admin powers.

Cool How did you do that it sounds fun
In response to Nadrew
To get it to work you have the original s_admin and Deadrons Character Handling up and create a new mob, which I have here:

icon = 'Human.dmi'

Then in the Character Handling it has the class or race or whatever lists and you put this:

var/list/classes = list("Human", "GM")
...then down a little further
if ("GM") new_mob = new /mob/GM()

Then when you start the game and create a new character it will have GM powers, then you just save it, go back, and change the first list to this:

var/list/classes = list("Human")
In response to Jowy
On 7/8/01 10:24 pm Jowy wrote:
To get it to work you have the original s_admin and Deadrons Character Handling up and create a new mob, which I have here:

icon = 'Human.dmi'

Then in the Character Handling it has the class or race or whatever lists and you put this:

var/list/classes = list("Human", "GM")
...then down a little further
if ("GM") new_mob = new /mob/GM()

Then when you start the game and create a new character it will have GM powers, then you just save it, go back, and change the first list to this:

var/list/classes = list("Human")

or instead of altering your code each time you want to make a GM character, you could add GM to the classes list if your key matches:

var/list/classes = list("class1","class2")
if(client.key=="Shadowdarke") classes += "GM"

Make sure to have the GM option in your class switch, as Jowy suggested.
Sigh, if everyone knew all this, why didn't they add their input to my topic over in Creations? =)

I'll make a s_admin compatibility patch for Ron's library.
In response to Spuzzum
On 7/9/01 11:45 am Spuzzum wrote:
Sigh, if everyone knew all this, why didn't they add their input to my topic over in Creations? =)

I'll make a s_admin compatibility patch for Ron's library.

In response to Spuzzum
On 7/9/01 11:45 am Spuzzum wrote:
Sigh, if everyone knew all this, why didn't they add their input to my topic over in Creations? =)

I'll make a s_admin compatibility patch for Ron's library.

Well, it's one of those things that I knew about, but fixed and never gave it a second thought until someone reminded me ;)

From now on, if I have trouble with a library, I'll contact the programmer. Hope everyone will return the favor... if I ever release a library...
In response to Shadowdarke
if I ever release a library...

You darn well better! =)
In response to Nadrew
On 7/9/01 11:53 am Nadrew wrote:
On 7/9/01 11:45 am Spuzzum wrote:
Sigh, if everyone knew all this, why didn't they add their input to my topic over in Creations? =)

I'll make a s_admin compatibility patch for Ron's library.


When Will it be out??