Okay, well in this case could you please help me with the error I'm getting on my map?
Screen : http://www.byond.com/games/hubpic/99413_9266.png
I allow the player to zoom out and this has changed the map's icon-size to 8 in game and icons are really 32 in their dmi files.
Any idea what that patch I'm getting is? Thank you.
I'd probably need a comparison pic to have a better idea what's going on there. If it increases in size as in covers more turfs, but stays the same size physically, then I think it's probably an element of your interface. If it covers more turfs, or just as many, perhaps it's a rogue HUD element. But it's hard to say.
A view of 50 is not in fact well within reason. The explanation lies within a quick calculation:
full_view = view * 2 + 1
turfs_shown = full_view * full_view
For a view of 50, the view ends up being 101x101 turfs, for a grant total of 10201. Plus extra borders.
The view is capped at 35 because this effectively limits you to around 5,000 turfs, which is still a lot. The more turfs you have, the more work DS has to go to to display them all. Consider also that when you're zoomed at 25%, the entire map is still being drawn but it's just being stretched into place. (I forget if DirectX has a shortcut for this.) At 101x101 that's a lot of blitting to do, above and beyond the work of sorting and drawing the sprites. Larger views also mean significantly more network traffic.