I've heard different explanations from different moderators who patrol the submissions, as well as different explanations from Tom posted on these forums.

I have yet to figure out how it actually works. Initially, I thought anybody would be able to submit their game for hub listing, but only games submitted by members would get the "featured" status (beige hub in the listing, star at the top right). So, we submitted our game for hub listing and after almost two weeks of it being ignored, we poked around a bit.

I was told that only members could submit games, but they could also submit games for other people as long as they were a hub helper. I got myself a hold of a membership to submit my friend's game, and we waited about a week- only to have it ignored again. I went prodding about in Chatters today, and was told by Mikau that only hub entries owned by members could be submitted.

Honestly, I'm a bit miffed, and I feel like I've supported a service that I do not agree with.

Could somebody (preferrably Tom) please clarify how the system actually works?
I've asked a lot of questions about this as well and It is really confusing. Here is how I got it figured out from what I pieced together.

Anyone can make a hub.

Only BYOND members can submit a hub to be listed.

Only original games can be featured (games with the star in beige)

So basically it works like this. You make a hub, if you are a member then you have the option in the hub editor to submit your game for listing. If you are not a member then you must become a member to do so*. Once you submit your game it will sit in the submissions pile until a staff member can look at your game, it will then be judged for its content, originality, popularity ETC to determine what kind of listing it should get. IF your game is original and of decent quality then it can be featured, but as long as your game isn't a rip and is of decent quality it will at least be listed. This will allow you to add tags or have tags added to you if you are a fan or anime game, so you are easier to find. If you are not listed or featured for whatever reason the staff member who checks your hub and game will give reasons why so you can fix the issues and hopefully become listed.

*According to a BYOND staff member, you don't have to submit your game all the time in order to have it listed. A BYOND staff member may choose to list your game if it become popular and they deem it worthy of listing.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense or at least helps in some way.
How exactly are you "submitting" it?

As far as I know, you shouldn't even be able to access the option unless you are a) the hub's owner and b) a member.

The way to submit a hub for listing is:

Manage Account -> Hub -> [Game] -> Options -> "Make this game visible"

Also, out of curiosity, what is the hub?
In response to DarkCampainger
Nice question Sav, and Moussiffer what if you're hub was submitted before the update? Will it still be shown or do I have to remake the hub? Phone, search doesn't work with it, getting a new one later.
In response to Thelavaking
I don't think you will have to remake the hub, I think you would just have to submit the game again for review. Of course, if you are not a member then the only way to submit the game would be to become a member or have it be popular enough for a staff member to submit it for you.
AFAIK the button "make this game visible" should be there even if you're not a member. The only difference is that if a BYOND Member checks it and submits the request we're notified of the request.

We can always manually set the status of a game, unless the hub author (or one of the helpers) has unchecked that box.
In response to Moussiffer
That acctually sounds really annoying to be honest... Blech, probably no membership coming soon, so I'll just have to start back on the game today, and see what I can do on it >.>. But I digress.
In response to Thelavaking
This is the worst idea Byond has ever had...
The reason I like Byond is you were able to program anything and have people instantly access what you had created. Submission is great idea. But I liked back when you could scroll thru the "unlisted page" and see all of Byond's games (good or bad).

I have never understood why Byond continues to feature games no one ever plays either...
In response to Genjura
Just because you have never seen an active server for a game, doesnt mean those games are not popular. The games on the front page are the ones with the most member fans, most downloads, most players playing etc. Some of the games are one player, and those games will never have an active server. Doesnt mean people arent playing/download/becoming a fan of it.

And sometimes some multiplayer games are active, just not very often, e.g. incursion.

If you REALLY want to see the list of games in the order of how active they are in terms of players, i suggest you use the little drop down menu from "Games" and click "Active" instead of "Popular".