I'd like to know what constitutes a game to be a 'rip'? The programming that was released by it's previous owner? The use of icons everyone you can find anywhere on BYOND?
See, my game, hub://supersaiyanx.dbrp was rejected and marked as a 'rip', beyond this was no explanation as to why. DBRP has never been a rip of any kind. The source was released by it's previous owner. I continued the game and stayed true to it's original purpose/design, added new features, made new icons, etc. The previous owner(s) declared me the new owner of DBRP, and the official continuation. Today, I logged on, I was editing my hub, when I saw in the Options tab- DBRP was rejected as a rip. I quickly typed in DBRP into the search bar, and noticed there was a game, based on the public source of DBRP, but with barely anything making it unique still listed- the game was added today; hub://Dutch3d.DBRP.
Can someone, please explain, what the heck is a 'rip' these days, and why DBRP was listed is listed as one?
![]() Jan 16 2011, 9:48 am
![]() Jan 16 2011, 10:02 am
Anything ripped makes it a rip. Rip an icon, bam, ripped game.
I'm pretty sure that works? If enough trolls mark it a rip, it could be called one IIRC. I'd ask Tom about this in the Support, but that's just me (as this is likely an actual problem if it isn't a rip).
I don't thinks the usage of icons would really be a good standard for marking things as a rip. Not everyone can afford, or make good fancy icons.
A game shouldn't be discredited because of the RPG Maker tiles it uses, or the RPG Maker-styled character icons it uses. They are easy and free sprites to use and manipulate. Icons don't make a game, they only make it look nice. |
That'd be quite a downer if using icon packs or free resources can make your game be labelled as a RIP.
And with "downer", I mean "really good reason to dump a project you've been working on for a good while". |
Not everyone can afford, or make good fancy programming.
See how it works when just one word is changed? RPG Maker sprites are very much piracy, considering you were never intended to use the ones that came packaged with it freely OUTSIDE of RPG Maker, and RPG Maker-styled is iffy (as it's usually just palette swaps). There was one game claiming to use a VX-styled base, but repeatedly said it was made -before- VX came out in Japan. When he said his were made were a good like, 5 months after VX came out. |
If they're free resources, there's nothing wrong with it.
If it's (borderline) piracy, there is something wrong with it. |
As far as I am aware, a rip is the use of someone else's source code, without their permission.
I found this on the hub that you claim to have copied you, though: This is Dragonball RP, with remastered rules. Give credits to: - Tenshaku - Strong - Super Saiyan X So either you gave that person permission to use your source, or they are claiming you gave them permission to use your source (if it is indeed your source). So, if the source belongs to you, and you haven't given this person permission to use your source, then you can ask Tom or whoever is in charge of the submissions to review your case. Mistakes can be made, and if they find that you are right, then I am sure they will happily reverse the situation. |
SadKat Gaming wrote:
As far as I am aware, a rip is the use of someone else's source code, without their permission. The Game didn't 'copy me' per-say, as the game's source was released publicly by it's previous owner(s) (Tenshaku and Strong.) However, they both deemed me and my version the 'official continuation, and I have been updating DBRP ever since then. However, anyone can use the old source, I don't care, but if I make attempts to improve and update the game, with the previous owners' approval, is it really a rip? Plus, a game that was just put on the hub today is listed, but not as a rip, when (my) DBRP has been around since 2008. |
If the source for the game was released publicly, then the BYOND team are likely to make mistakes as to who the official owner is.
If you can get back up from the previous owners, that would help your case to show that your's is the official game, and the decision may be changed. Without it, though, there is not much that goes in your favour, i think. I suggest you wait for a reply from the BYOND staff in charge of this area, to see what action will be taken. |
I'm the original owner of DBRP, and I'm the one who gave SSX the source to continue DBRP. He is the REAL DBRP. Any other is an unauthorized rip.
SSX's DBRP is authorized by the original owner. I quit DBRP a long time ago, and gave it to SSX to continue it. For a long time he used my DBRP hub (The original hub, now deleted), and now he has his own hub for it. This "marking as a rip" feature is extremely out of control. My game Dragon Ball Zee got marked as a rip, when it is the official continuation of Dragon Ball Finale (a now ruined game, thus why it needs the continuation), while Dragon Ball Phoenix, the actual rip, is allowed to show. Dragon Ball Phoenix is an unauthorized clone of Finale which is more similar to Finale than Dragon Ball Zee is, yet somehow Dragon Ball Zee gets marked as the rip when it is the most updated and changed of all of them, and is even made by the original owner and creator of the source. EDIT: Dragon Ball Phoenix is now authorized anything I said about it being unauthorized is defunct. Dragon Ball Phoenix is the official continuation of Dragon Ball Finale, Dragon Ball Zee is not. |
We all know that is a lie.
Tenshaku & Strong are the original owners. SSX said so himself. I admire your support for SSX, but lieing gets you no where. At least, if you do it the wrong way. EDIT: Also, you mention any other being an unautorised rip. However, SSX also clearly stated that the source was distributed publicly, therefore it cannot be deemed unauthorised. |
Dragonn is Tenshaku's original key, really. He's also known as 'The Zee Man' now, and lots of other stuff.
SadKat Gaming wrote:
We all know that is a lie. Tenshaku and Dragonn are the same person, Dragonn is actually Tenshaku's original key. And Strong is not the original owner, I am. There was no partnership. SSX's DBRP is the real one. Also, I'm totally against BYOND's new update. Worst. Feature. Ever. |
I'm afraid to tell you that no one will believe you unless the key that replies is Tenkashu or Strong.
Touché. Now people will believe you.
I'm sorry for doubting you, but you must understand where i was coming from. Some random key claiming they were the original owner, when it was stated someone else was, creates suspicion. |
Yea nothing personal I just really dislike the "New BYOND" and the direction its heading.
Well now that this is settled I'll be going good luck SSX. |
Dragonn wrote:
This "marking as a rip" feature is extremely out of control. Relax. We're going to go through some growing pains as we try to sort this stuff out. We'll undoubtedly make some mistakes during the first few weeks, but we'll do our best to get some better checks in place. The goal is simply to reduce the clutter within the listings so that original games are promoted and BYOND does not degenerate into a mere repository of Anime or fangame clones. Keep in mind, uncategorized or games marked in this nature are still completely accessible and, frankly, the visibility is higher than it was earlier in our history, when ALL games had to be found through word of mouth. |
Tom, could you just clarify?
If something if a "port" from an original system (say Dragon Warrior games, or Pokemon games) that are ported from their original system, with original code. Would that be considered a rip because the icons are "ripped" from their original source (the original gameboy / nes)? |