Would it be possible to 'Hide' medals from the HUB?
It wouldn't appear on the game's hub page, but would appear in a user's records, and is compatible with GetMedal() too
There would be TWO Layers of Secret Medals:
*Secret Medal - Appears in game list as 'secret', and you can grab the standings on that medal and see who earned it recently, but you can't see it's picture, name, or description. Just a giant 'question' mark
*Hidden Medal - Doesn't appear at all in the game's HUB page. Only in user rankings and with GetMedal()
Medal List: 3/4 Medals shown (Fourth one is 'hidden')
Awesome: Get 1000 Points
Super Awesome: Get 5000 Points
Secret: ??? (You could click this and still get 'Standings' and see who has the medal. But you can't see it's name or description. It's picture is either a 'question mark' or blank)
Player's Earned Medals:
*Awesome: You got 1000 points
*Super Awesome: You got 5000 points
*Totally Radical: You got 9999 points (Secret medal)
*Best Player Ever: Get a million points (Hidden medal)
![]() Mar 9 2009, 12:12 pm (Edited on Mar 9 2009, 12:19 pm)
It could also be used for something significant to the game's story.
On the 360 Achievements that would potentially spoil something are hidden. So if a medal was like: 'Kill Your Father' you could set it to Hide so only people that have gotten it would know about it. |
I can definitely foresee situations where I'd want 'hidden' medals, that don't show up until someone manages to achieve them but then show up for everyone to see that someone has achieved that medal.
Sweet. ^_^.
Though, we're going to have to wait a while before the next update rolls out, so i'll make due until then, heh :P |
If such a flag gets implemented it won't have any impact on how the software functions--it'd strictly be a matter of not showing the medal on the site.
Features like this though are kind of on hold until we have a better idea of what people are using medals for and what they need out of the system. Lummox JR |
Most medal systems so far emulate the 360's achievements (most do it to a T), so you might want to do some research on how those work.
I'd definitely like to know more about the 360's achievement system, though I don't think it's at all a goal to fully emulate them. Any good ideas from that, though, I'd definitely like to use.
Lummox JR |
Heres an article on the subject: link
Basically, each Xbox game gets 1000 points to award to players for various feats within the game. Microsoft places no restriction on the difficulty of achieving these feats, and it varies quite a lot between games. These feats then show up as achievements that you can view, along with a persons total 'Gamer score' which is just a tally of all points earned from each game. However, the score part of that model is not likely to work with BYOND unless it is restricted to hand-chosen games; the process of creating a game that instantly awards a maximum amount of points would be trivial. If it were to only apply to say, guild favorites, then it might be more viable. And seeing as the gamer score isn't really good for anything, slight inflation doesn't matter as long as you can prevent the abuse-cases. |
Lummox JR wrote:
I'd definitely like to know more about the 360's achievement system, though I don't think it's at all a goal to fully emulate them. Any good ideas from that, though, I'd definitely like to use. The 360's achievements also have a 'secret achievement' option that some use, but not the majority. I have a game called 'The Darkness' that has like almost all of the achievements are secret. And they aren't even spoiler flags. Wierd >.> Each "Achievement" has X gamerpoints associated with them Each game can only have 1000/1000 gamerpoints awarded to players through achievements, and a standard game has roughly 50 achievements SOME Games release "Expansion Packs". In those cases, the achievement score is raised from 1000/1000 to something like 1100/1100. The highest score of any 360 game is with Halo 3, which can award 1750/1750 gamerscore with the upcoming Halo 3: ODST expansion pack Gamerscore would never work with BYOND due to some people making games that automatically give you the max number of points, so i don't think that should be used in byond. If a developer wants to use gamerscore for their games, the option exists thanks to GetScore() and SetScore(). Because of this, it is impossible for others to change their "gamerscore" through illegitimate means Some options i'd like from this system to BYOND Though, are the following: *The 360 has an option to 'Compare Games' with another player/friend Basically, you view their medals and your medals side by side for a given game. You can see what medals you have, and they don't, and vice versa. |
Slime Lord wrote:
So if a medal was like: Bob: Dude, Check it out! I just got this awesome achievement! I like the idea but the above can happen. |
Bunnie wrote:
Slime Lord wrote: As he said; the main reason for having a spoiler type setting on medals would be for story related events. As far I know, no games on BYOND even have a story. Hiding the way to get goal oriented medals like "ZOMG KILL 100000000 ENEMIES" would just further annoy players attempting to get such medals. Though I do support the idea, I seriously doubt any developers on BYOND will put it to good use. As for people revealing the secrets, that's half the fun of beating a game and getting all the achievements in it =P |
Falacy wrote:
As far I know, no games on BYOND even have a story. You've never played any of my games, apparantly! They're like single player games in terms of story, except multiplayer. If that makes sense |
Mista-mage123 wrote:
You've never played any of my games, apparantly! They're like single player games in terms of story, except multiplayer. If that makes sense From what I can tell both of your games are just RP games... |
Falacy wrote:
Mista-mage123 wrote: only one of my games is an RP game. o_O Specifically, the games I speak of are.. Shaman King: Life as a Shaman Saber Duelz Naruto Wild Draw's story mode all had unique stories with plot twists and the like. |
Alathon wrote:
Heres an article on the subject: link Wouldn't it be easier to restrict a system like gamerpoints-getting to byond members only, since members tend to be more trustworthy? I dunno...but this topic isnt about gamerscore. It's about hidden medals. o_o |
It would be possible to create such a feature, though I think I'd need to understand more about the purpose behind it to implement it properly, and also to decide if it's worth doing.
How secret are we talking here? Would only the user themselves be able to see they had earned such a medal? Or if anyone else can see it when looking at a page about the user, would it really be worth hiding from the hub page?
If this was intended to, for instance, keep track of whether a user was a trusted host or an admin, I think that would probably not be a good use for medals; the score system would be better suited for that. If the purpose was definitely more medal-like, some kind of secret special award, I'd be curious to know more about why it should be secret.
Lummox JR