I think the following would be good ideas for the Sprite/Pixmap editor thing:

Inverter (Inverts the Sprite)
Items (On the Side it would show a small tab where you could paste items in to for future use, I'll show example picture at bottom)
Free Select (...Obvious)

I dunno- just a thought.
It would be neat to have a place to copy from, but I don't think it would be very practical if that's all it did. How would you decide which boxes showed what? Would each icon state have its own set of boxes to copy from?

Your drawing did give me an idea though!

Rather than having temporary places to copy and paste from you would see every frame within an animated icon state. The one pictured above only has three frames, but there would be more boxes if there were more frames. If there are too many frames then you would be able to scroll through them.

The preview box would be removed/relocated to the row of preview boxes. In its place there could be a few more commands such as invert color, like you suggested.

Another idea for the preview box would be rather than moving it to the row of preview boxes it could just stay where it is and show an animated preview of the icon state. There would still be a preview frame in the row for the specific frame you're working on, but it would just be a single static image.

Single clicking on one of the preview boxes on the bottom would select it. From there you can do normal commands such as copying or deleting. Double clicking would jump over to that specific frame. Though perhaps there should be an option to have a single click jump over to the specific frame for people who want to quickly work on multiple frames.

In response to SuperAntx
It would be a nice addition, cutting out that extra step of going back and picking a new one. Plus, it would allow you to compare your current with the other states while in the current pixmap! I like it.
In response to DivineTraveller
Awesome suggestion SAX, I agree, that would definitely be a really nice feature to have. Heres hoping.
In response to Pmitch
Yeh it would be great and it would also make working with animation alot quicker... ;)

AmonR in the Art Society also suggested a few more tools:
More layers, free select/lasso, shift+select to add to existing selections and editing things bigger than 32x32.

I hope all the ideas in this topic get considered, Alot of artists would start using the DMI Editor more if there was more features :)
Addon to main post:
In the DM Pallete/Color Editor, would it be possible to add a 'mask' option in the color editor, if I need to mass Color change one color to nothing/'mask' it, this would help instead of going to each sprite.
Sounds pretty neat.

I think this'll be a nice addition if accepted.
I quite like a few of these ideas, Specificly the copy box, and a free select would be good too, Although it'd make moving it about a little odd in free select...

I also lke the idea of using an example with a universal icon, not a Dragonball Z icon, which i despise to be honest.

Now Abba shall go SSJ, GRAAAAAAHHH.