Not Feasible
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
The color bar in dream maker was removed in a recent dream maker update, and it was replaced with that hexagonal color wheel thing, and it makes it kinda hard to find a specific shade. I'd like to see the color bar back (by color bar I mean like how transparency is done, that kinda bar) cuz it makes it easier for creators to have it there. The hexagonal thing is more of a hassle, especially if u don't have the steadiest hands to move it in a straight line.
Lummox JR resolved issue (Not Feasible)
Any reason why its not feasible?
I'm not changing the color box back. The ring-and-triangle format is so much better.
Oh, not the box, just the color bar thing, the scaling meter thing, idk what its called. It looks like the alpha scaler. Removing it made it kinda inconvenient and i'd like to see it back if possible. U'd use it to change the shading on something easily, where it'd go from like white, color, black, that thing.