May 26 2008, 5:56 am
In Dream Maker, project files stay open in memory while you edit other files. Sometimes, in large projects, this results in memory failures where there just isn't room to load a new file. It's a pain to go back and find all of the open files and manually File>Close them, so I'm proposing a File>Close All feature that will automatically close all open files (ideally prompting to save changes).
Kuraudo S. wrote:
In Dream Maker, project files stay open in memory while you edit other files. Sometimes, in large projects, this results in memory failures where there just isn't room to load a new file. It's a pain to go back and find all of the open files and manually File>Close them, so I'm proposing a File>Close All feature that will automatically close all open files (ideally prompting to save changes). Agreed! this frequently causes DM to crash because too many icon files and such get opened. |
A workaround that I frequently use is File->Recent Environments->1. That unloads and reloads your current project, leaving only the last-opened file in memory.