I'm always interested to know how many people actually visit my blog, but there is currently no accurate way to tell inside the BYOND system. I would love some sort of a stat tracking system to keep an eye on my traffic.
Just a basic hit counter would be good for me. Perhaps a hit per post type thing. That way I can more accurately guess what people on BYOND like to hear about, or titles that peek their interest more than others.
Not exactly an important feature request, but one I'd love to see.
Nov 27 2007, 5:51 am
Nov 28 2007, 7:43 am
You can add a pic to your front page that's held in the member file manager. The manager will tell you how many times it's been loaded. That might work.
In response to TheMonkeyDidIt
I've done that, actually, but there is a problem with the file being cached by browsers. It caches the image, then doesn't re-download it. So if you are drawing from mostly the same pool, you get very inaccurate numbers. I could put a tracking image on my page(like those from 3rd parties), but I'd rather not.