NOTE:the grid is just the square that gets selected after you mouse over on one of the squares.
---There should be a real grid implemented, so that it grids out every square, instead of like when you mouse over it outlines that square.
The map editor right now works square by square and once you right click it shows all objects there, but im proposing, whatever you right click on should be highlighted, and stop showing the "grid" anymore, or at least with a "grid" on/off thing if there is not already.
now this goes sort of with my bigger than 32*32 proposal, so the full icon would be selected instead of just on that square and such.
Also, with the "grid", i wanna use icons of size 16*16 for better terrain looks, without so many more icons, so if you cant already, you should be able to change the "grid" size from 32*32 squares, to 16*16 and such, if you cant already.
Oct 18 2007, 1:35 pm (Edited on Oct 18 2007, 1:44 pm)