Is there anyway I can stop guildmembers from adding my game to a guild <_<.

whats wrong with that?
In response to Gogeta126
Cause would if they add it to the anime guild or somthing which you will only see naruto <_< and will not get the game noticed with all that damn anime there, SO I would like to keep it in unpublished.
Pretty much the same thing was discussed here.
In response to Dark Emrald
Dark Emrald wrote:
Cause would if they add it to the anime guild or somthing which you will only see naruto <_< and will not get the game noticed with all that damn anime there, SO I would like to keep it in unpublished.

If your game is an anime game, then it goes into Anime. If your game isn't anime, the guild staff won't let it be added there.
In response to Jon88
would if He doesnt want it to be added to any guild is what I think hes saying.
Yes. You can suppress the game from the hub by hiding it. It will then not appear anywhere on the hub, nor in BYOND Anime. As a bonus, BYOND Members won't be able to submit your game to guilds; the option will become unavailable.

Of course, this isn't what you want. You want to keep your game in the "Unpublished Games" section. In that case, you have no choice but to accept that your game is in BYOND Anime, and in fact I like this.

I already addressed the issue before, as you've been linked to, but this was for non-Animes. It was rejected by BYOND Staff, and I'm fairly certain the reason was to prevent someone from having their game listed only in the Unpublished section. If this were allowed, the same thing would happen to this system as would happen to the previous system: lots of rips would be placed on the Unpublished section.

The only regret I have is that people can use the system not to just move anime to BYOND Anime, but also move *any game* to BYOND Anime constantly, screwing up the listing.
In response to Android Data
Android Data wrote:
The only regret I have is that people can use the system not to just move anime to BYOND Anime, but also move *any game* to BYOND Anime constantly, screwing up the listing.
No. As Jon88 stated, only members of the guild staff can approve a game into a BYOND guild. (Jon88 is one of the main people in BYOND Strategy performing genre checks.) Random guild members can merely list games as submissions waiting for approval. Besides, it's usually the other way around. People try to put anime games in every guild. ;)

However, putting aside non-members that just need someone kind enough to list them, I think you're right about some people abusing the (supposedly temporary) Unpublished section. (Mind you, I'm not pointing any fingers.) BYOND guilds list games whether they are featured/published or not. Hell, I'll list an early alpha just to get the developer some testers. You only need enough work done to explain the genre.

In response to ACWraith
In the recent past, I've had to remove a handful of submissions to the Anime guild that didn't belong... Many of them are "Charmed" games... Why people think "Charmed" belongs in Anime, I don't know (unless they're under the impression that it's a more general "fangame" category...) But it's pretty prevalent...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I think it's because there is no longer a general fangame category. Anime is the one community where such things are known to not be looked down upon.
In response to Android Data
Well thats lame ive lost the will to code :(.
In response to ACWraith
ACWraith wrote:
No. As Jon88 stated, only members of the guild staff can approve a game into a BYOND guild.

Except there are so many anime games that BYOND Anime auto-accepts every submission. While ultimately the guild staff is under control, the submitted game will remain on the listing as long as it's submitted.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think if a guild staff member removes / rejects a game from the listing that it will prevent re-submitting the game.
In response to Dark Emrald
Dark Emrald wrote:
Well thats lame ive lost the will to code :(.

You've lost the will to code because your game is filed where people can find it, instead of being dumped in some inbox which may or may not even be visible in the near future?
In response to Jtgibson
Jtgibson wrote:
You've lost the will to code because your game is filed where people can find it, instead of being dumped in some inbox which may or may not even be visible in the near future?

Jt, his game is filed among hundreds of other games. His game will only get noticed if it's hosted nearly 24/7 and if people actually care about joining it. In order to get any good attention his game would have to become a featured game.

The moral of this is that making DBZ/Naruto games is going to put developers at a disadvantage, as opposed to making original work (such as a RPG). Thumbs up for BYOND Staff! :D
In response to Android Data
Correction: the Anime Guild only briefly auto-accepted games... It was getting to be a pain to keep going into the list to approve new submissions, so I turned on the auto-accept to see how that would go... But then I came across a string of non-Anime submissions, so I turned it back off...

So currently, all submitted games have to be manually approved...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Correction: the Anime Guild only briefly auto-accepted games...

Oh, I see. In that case, instead of herassing the ones trying to get their DBZ/Naruto game in the unsorted "Unpublished" section (which should be reserved to more original works that are starting off, rather than a half-finished DBZ/Naruto game which have owners that don't know how to polish them), we can herass the guild staff by submitting games to them constantly.

In fact, it wouldn't even count as a bannable offense or anything. If the owner of one of those anime games wants it removed from the Anime Guild, it'll just be resubmitted by ignorance. And even if it isn't, there's always people who don't want it anywhere but BYOND Anime.


SuperSaiyanGokuX, I pity you. =(

-- Data
In response to Dark Emrald