In Dream Maker, I would like to request that more shortcuts available for navigating icons, to help manuevering around the
icon file, would be extremely helpful in the ways of time.

For an example of shortcut, the already implemented "Hold Ctrl and Click a color" allows you to hold control, click a color on the 32x32 square, and your current pointer changes to that color.

Such shortcuts such as:

-Back (going from 32x32 editor to .dmi's contents)

-Input for tools, such as pressing "A" for Point, "S" for Line, "D" for Fill Rect., etc.

-Shifting icons on the left-side browser with ease, instead of having to click.

-Copying and Pasting multiple icon-states at a time.

Any other ideas would be appreciated, and I hope to see these be implemented. Thank you.

ATP Development
Any word on this?
In response to Airjoe
That is such an immensely good idea. =D, I hope something is done about that.