Maybe a idea for the forums is allow the person who made a thread be able to close it so know one else can reply if it got out of hand.

I create a post on a game I may make, then 30+ people are replying to it, I may want to go and just end the post so I click close thread or something like that, and it makes it so know one else can reply to it, I know the Forum Mods have the power to do this but some times people who made a post may want to end a post because it is getting out of hand.

->Calus CoRPS<-
I don't see this as a good idea at all. Closing threads should be limited to the moderators only.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Well, but like: Free Graphics given here! Cheetoz, he said he is busy now and not making icons, shouldnt he be able to stop the thread because people will probaly still be asking for icons and banners, but if you dont think it is not a good idea its ok.

->Calus CoRPS<-
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
I don't see this as a good idea at all. Closing threads should be limited to the moderators only.

I agree, but I do see how some people could have a use for it.
In response to Jamesburrow
Ok then, if two people think it would not be useful then it must not be, thanks for your thoughts.

->Calus CoRPS<-
In response to Calus CoRPS
No, I can see how it could be useful, but I think the moderators are the best ones to deal with a situation.
In response to Jamesburrow
Ok, I can see what you mean now.

->Calus CoRPS<-
In response to Calus CoRPS
Then he can just change the topic line of his post to reflect that, and/or reply to his topic himself saying it.
I can see how it would be useful, but the problem is it'll lead to some really childish posting. I wouldn't say the board would go to hell, but there are enough ways to stop a topic already that there's no way to justify a new one if it's going to have any side effects at all.
In response to DarkView
All you have to do is post on a topic and change the thread title to "Close topic" to tell a Moderator to close it and they probably will if you want to stop taking requests like in that example =)