I would like to see a forum named "Tutorials" or whatever where us midbies (and you oldbies/gurus/gods) can put tutorials. It could be classed in 3 parts: a beginners section; a moderate section; and a hard section.

I'd have a few tutorials, first some links to helpful items (UsrIsEvil!), and I could illustrate some smaller demos without wasting any of my bandwidth. Or webspace.

Any chance we'll see this in the future?
Phoenix Man wrote:
I would like to see a forum named "Tutorials" or whatever where us midbies (and you oldbies/gurus/gods) can put tutorials. It could be classed in 3 parts: a beginners section; a moderate section; and a hard section.

Personally, I think this is a great idea for new programmers to get a grip on the language's capabilities and diversity.

There are other places for people to go for this kind of information; BYONDscape, especially.

OTOH this isn't such a bad idea, because it will make posting new information easy and collect it in a highly-visible location.

In response to Crispy
digitalBYOND also takes tutorials (it will be back online updated later next week)- but BYONDscape is a very good choice if you want to get paid for your efforts.

In response to digitalmouse
And who checks BYONDscape or digitalbyond nowdays?
In response to Phoenix Man
Phoenix Man wrote:
And who checks BYONDscape or digitalbyond nowdays?

I dunno about others, but I frequently reference BYONDscape to look up an article or some such.
In response to Phoenix Man
can't speak for BYONDscape, but digitalBYOND still gets around a dozen or more hits per day (before i broke it). and when i made an announcement here about a new article, those hits would shoot up to 50 or more.

both websites offer lots of information on various aspects of BYOND. their job is to provide articles and tutorials on BYOND.
In response to digitalmouse
What about secureBYOND?
In response to Ol' Yeller
secureBYOND will be returning too, later this week.

also, some of the gurus and more experienced developers have been working with me on a surprise for those of you wanting a more 'tutorial-centric' website, or maybe something a little more classroom/education-based for learning and improving your BYOND skillz. Watch the forum in mid- to late-September for an announcement!
In response to digitalmouse
September? x_x
Man, you're an evil guy, you digital cheese eating mouse, you.