I stacked a turf with density = 0 above a turf of density = 1, using the map tool on dream maker.
I got surprised the higher density didn't have the preference. Therefore I could walk past the tree. I don't know if it as bug, but I believe I should not be able to traverse if there is a higher density object in front of me.
The idea that didn't work:
I had an idea of making trees separating trunks and canopies. The idea consists in the player being blocked by the trunk, and being able to walk behind the canopy.
So I was placing the trunks and canopies in the map, using the map tool, stacking the canopy sprite above the trunk sprite. For aesthetics, the trunks and canopies may overlap.
The canopy sprite is 128x128 with density = 0.
The trunk sprite is 64x64 with density = 1.
But I was able to walk past the trunk when a canopy was placed above it.
I solved this issue adding the canopies as an overlay for the trunks. But I still think the density priority should be featured.
![]() Aug 5 2020, 9:41 am
That means your tree made your dense turf stop existing, and used it as a visual underlay.
You probably want your trees to be objects, or if they work better as turfs your idea of using overlays is fine.