A new arg for playing sounds like this
src << sound('Sound.wav',0,Volume=1)

Something sort of like that. For example, if a person is 15 tiles away play it softer then usual, and as they get closer, make it louder!

I just though that would be a good idea.
That's a feature coming in with BYOND 4.0 or 3.5, one of them. Along with .MOD support, as I recall
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
That's a feature coming in with BYOND 4.0 or 3.5, one of them. Along with .MOD support, as I recall

MOD support will definitely be in the first version of 3.5. More advanced control of sound (volume, panning, whatever) is planned for sometime after that; but nothing's been said about when exactly.

I'm hoping somewhere between the initial release of 3.5 and 4.0, but that's purely speculation. I have no inside information on this. =)