The side bar in the Dream Maker, where it shows files and folders in the game, should be more flexible.
Right now, you only can right click and delete it. You can't drag anything, rename anything, copy/paste/cut anything, etc...
The side bar should be more flexible, making editing files faster.
~~> Dragon Lord
Aug 27 2004, 3:44 am
In response to Lummox JR
I once thought DM lacked that, but I suddenly realised that it'd need to re-generate the .dme and a whole lot of other complicated stuff. =)
Rename has been on the request list for a long time, but there's no way it'll ever have the full functionality you're asking for. To do all that it'd have to be more or less an Explorer shell, which is a ridiculous level of complexity to put in.
Lummox JR