Yes, disable ALL zip uploading. As most of you know, people discovered other people abusing the system by uploading there game as a library/demo because they don't know how to use the new system. That's obviously abusing the system, and I'm sure Dantom and all of the other moderators can't tolerate this. I would highly recommend you disable all zip uploading so people can stop abusing the system and wasting BYOND space.

These newbies are really messing up BYOND, and causing its loss of space. This needs to stop, and It would be better to disable ALL zip uploads on the hub so people can't abuse the system.

Do you EVER use the search option? its there for a reason... ( index.cgi?action=message_read&id=261809&forum=1&view=1&displ ay=1 ) i made a long thread about this a few weeks ago.
In response to XzDoG
XzDoG wrote:
Do you EVER use the search option? its there for a reason... ( index.cgi?action=message_read&id=261809&forum=1&view=1&displ ay=1 ) i made a long thread about this a few weeks ago.

No, it wasn't about DISABLING zip uploads. Read more CARFULLY! Your thread was about newbies uploading...I didn't read a request about disabling uploads. So, READ more carefully next time before you go pointing someone out.
In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
It was the same thing and take your anger from garthor out on other Developers trying to help.
I'm not sure why exactly it was kept for libs/demos, but I can think of a few reasons:

1)Conveinance. It's something beneficial to the community (compared to games, which are just more for entertainment) and it's just much easier.

2) Some people may have left BYOND but left their demos/libs up. Deleting uploads (and, in turn, deleting current uploaded files) would destroy these libs/demos.
In response to Airjoe
Airjoe wrote:
2) Some people may have left BYOND but left their demos/libs up. Deleting uploads (and, in turn, deleting current uploaded files) would destroy these libs/demos.

I dont think SSJ4_Gohan_Majin was talking about deleting all the current listings, just not allowing any new ones to be added, so basically what demos and libraries are on the bug now would stay, but any new ones would have to find outside hosting.
In response to Airjoe
The other problem is if those demos/libraries are hosted on a web server somewhere, and people want to restrict access to them (like if the library is subscription-only). People could poke around the server (guessing the name and so on) until they find the .zip file. Games can simply implement BYOND Passport to restrict non-subscribers; demos and libraries, being source code, can't.

If anyone does find hub entries that abuse this feature, report them to