When you have a pop up alert button with things you can click, you can easily press the Esc button to close it, but I want a way you can disable that so you are NOT able to do that. Pressing the Esc button in my game while in an alert panel will render you movementless and actionless. Mind if you can put a built-in variable, toggling the Esc button on alert panels?

Unknown Person <<

PS: I tried to use macros for Esc, but they do no effect.
Esc shud only be used on choices that you can cancel. If ther is no choice, just a mesige, the Esc is OK. But if you ar not alawed to cancel a choice then Esc shud stop working. Maybe this is a bug. (But you shud still be able to press CTRL+L to log-out and cancel evrything)