Hey, you live in Gainesville!? I live about 3 hours away from there, I live in a tiny place called Merritt Island. It's where they launch rockets/shuttles etc at Kenneddy Space Center!
Yep. I'm in Gainesville now, but I grew up in Melbourne. My family used to go to Merritt Island farily regularly to shop at the mall before they opened the Melbourne Square Mall.
This means that you can no longer get any more dimes, and dantom will probably be removing the dime system entirely fairly soon.
Starwarspower wrote:
This means that all the dimes i had are gone now??? Thats like theft! Reread the messages, this is not at all accurate. |
There seems to be a lot of people who arent totally clear on whats going on. BYOND is not dieing by any means. Though, I am a little irritated by the fact that people with BYONDscape entries wont be getting "shares" for what they entered, in byond dimes. Now Im not sure on the BYONDscape side of it but without dimes, using another money transaction type program seems too messy. And, by messy i mean, its "outside" of byond.
I liked the idea of a fake currency, but how would people get this currency? What would they have to give for this fake currency and what purpose would it serve?? I mean, for example someone was selling "GM" for their game, what good would this fake currency do? The person isnt getting anything in return. well now that ive blabbered on and made no sense, im gonna sleep which i havent done any of in the past few days. -Josh B. |
The idea is that people didnt really consider BYONDdimes real money just things to trade like cards or whatever the latest craze is. The Change will mean that if you want ot make money out of byond you have to put effort into it, setting up a Paypal account and what not. Who knows maybe DanTom can make it just as automated?
On the bright side, if money transactions are more difficult, it gives people incentive to either 1) not bother charging and just do things for free to save everyone the trouble, or 2) charge large enough amounts of money that it's worth the trouble. Either way, it keeps people from charging insignificant little amounts that are more of a annoyance than a source of income.
Erdrickthegreat2 wrote:
There seems to be a lot of people who arent totally clear on whats going on. BYOND is not dieing by any means. Though, I am a little irritated by the fact that people with BYONDscape entries wont be getting "shares" for what they entered, in byond dimes. Now Im not sure on the BYONDscape side of it but without dimes, using another money transaction type program seems too messy. And, by messy i mean, its "outside" of byond. Yeah, the payment method probably won't be as instantaneous as BYONDimes, but we do still intend to pay out shares for all the work published so far. (Of course the value of BYONDscape shares isn't exactly overwhelming, but that's a different point entirely!) |
yea the money adds extra attraction to byond but it isnt really money that matters it is having fun playing games and making games that makes byond great.I think byond is best without dimes and it should stay that way.
Well, wouldn't it be easier to do away with withdrawals in check form... and just make it PAYPAL only withdrawing. Then its automated.. and if you cant use paypal to recieve your money back, then you just dont buy dimes. Easy as that.. I really liked the dime system. But I guess if they add something like Paypal it will be almost like the same thing. I also don't see why people were mad at the "kids buying GM" and all that. Ive been ripped off a few times, lost dimes, or gained. Its all part of the system isnt it? Who cares what your spending it on, its your choice. This sucks, and sorta ruins the byond fun a little. But ill get over it. :P
Meh, people are better off buying things for in-game money, or if anything, earning their GM status by spending an excessive number of hours playing it to show their dedication.
Ramus wrote:
Its all part of the system isnt it? Who cares what your spending it on, its your choice. This sucks, and sorta ruins the byond fun a little. But ill get over it. :P Unfortunately, the ripped off kids all sent Dantom email demanding their money back and such, which was an overwhelming beauracratic hassle. |
Dantom needs to make some kind of agreement when buying dimes that what your buying has nothing to do with Dantom, you should be over the age of 18 to PURCHASE dimes and so on and junk... But I also realize the dimes must be a large hassle on Dantom's behalf. And definately does not make income. At least all these horrible DBZ and Icon trading type games will be gone. It's sad seeing these people writing games that steal 100's of dimes from users. Getting DM for 50 dimes! Pl +10000 for 20 dimes! All skills for 10 dimes! Now the good games will come back to byond. ^^
Deadron wrote:
Ramus wrote: Yes, quite crap...I'd understand them being pissed and such. But, they must also realize the risks of buying such items, just as in the real world. But, it's really their own fault for not checking the size of the download first. Further more, I don't see why Dantom refunded them for their own ignorrance and carelessness. |
Unfortunately, there's no way to check the size of the download first. Your browser only downloads the DMS, not the game; Dream Seeker downloads the game. Might be a nice feature to add to the Hub, though. "Download and run your own game! (59 KB)"
My reply is a little late, but I support you guys 110%, and I've been keeping my dimes just in case anyone wanted a refund(seems people have forgotten what donation means and think they will get something out of it). I understand that some people would like to make money off of their games, but other people have abused dimes way too much and ruined it for everyone. I'm glad to hear you guys are trying to make a better way of doing it and it shows that you care about your.... well I guess it's a fanbase(which is more than I can say for some of the recent gaming companies I have meddled with). If you guys want to add banners, or any other way to make some extra cash count me in(I'm probably not the only one that feels this way), this is a great service your providing and would be well worth it. :)
Spuzzum wrote:
Unfortunately, there's no way to check the size of the download first. Your browser only downloads the DMS, not the game; Dream Seeker downloads the game. Might be a nice feature to add to the Hub, though. "Download and run your own game! (59 KB)" You can always try to download it, and check the file size. Even thought it will give you "Suscribe Here" thingamajig. |
Lemme guess -- you tried? ;-)