I'm sure it's pretty obvious to you that we've gone ahead and made the switch to our new website. If it isn't obvious, it's time to wake up! Our 24-hour beta announcement will give you some background if you haven't already read it.

We have a few notes about this site that may be of interest to you (most of these items are only of interest to developers):
  • Obviously, the color scheme has changed. We know that some of you have used certain graphics or font colors in your hub entries that assumed the old black background. You may want to check your hub entries (access Your Hub by clicking Publish Games to the left, or Your Account up above when logged in) and change them as necessary. From now on, just assume that you don't know what the colors may be and try to plan accordingly. We may, at any time, change the entire site color scheme, and a possible future enhancement may be to allow users to view the site with their own preferred colors. Keep this in mind when updating your hub entries.

  • Wherever possible, the site uses easy to remember canonical urls. For example, my people page is simply No more messy qd=hubIndex;hub=blahblahblah urls! (well, not as many, anyway)

  • For the Games front page, we've added a new icon size of 32x32. If you have any hub entries, you may recall that icons were previously sized at 64x64. Now we have large icons (64x64) and small icons (32x32). For best results, we recommend that you upload both a large and small icon, each optimized for its pixel size. Otherwise, either one will be used in place of the other if one is missing, and sized in the browser. Sometimes this looks ok, other times it looks pretty bad.

  • If you have any publication channels in your hub, we have a few new options for you. You can now choose to show a "Now Featuring" section on your channel page, just like the main BYOND Games page has. And you can also choose whether you want to allow non-subscribers to view your channel's contents at all.

  • Tutorials are no longer housed on the BYOND hub. Instead, find them over at BYONDscape. This is also the place to go if you want to submit a new tutorial.

  • The login process has changed slightly, as noted in our previous announcement. However, we believe it should work properly in the vast majority of (if not all) cases. If you do have problems logging in, however, please try resetting your browser cookies first. Help for IE 6 users can be found here.

  • We are actively seeking feedback on this new site. Anything from stuff that doesn't work, stuff you really like, or suggestions for new features. We do have several more features planned for the near future, and we hope to start rolling them out soon, as time permits. This is going to be an exciting time for BYOND!

    Please post any feedback about the site here.

  • We want to make sure that as many old links to as possible still function properly. If you come across any link that does not work, please let us know at the above feedback forum.

Thanks for listening, and enjoy our new site!