I have, well... A few questions about BYOND both relating and non-relating to the Dream engines.

First, I'm curious as to what color capabilities BYOND currently can handle. I have yet to see any 3D or pseudo-3D games out there (I havn't seen all of them).

Second, Is the blue book necessary to get? I have a good grasp of what I'm doing and have programmed in other languages previously. Could programmers that have moved from working from one language to DM tell me if they got this or not?

I'm also wondering what the Blue Book covers, that the help pages and tutorials do not.

As the pager goes, is there a way to look for key names to chat with and introduce themselves to? If not this would be very useful to chatters like myself that look for someone to talk to on those late-night hours. This is also a feature of many other Instant Messaging programs.

Is there a line of code that allows full-screen mode?

These are all the questions I have for now.
...Guardian of Dragons...
Dragon Guardian wrote:
First, I'm curious as to what color capabilities BYOND currently can handle. I have yet to see any 3D or pseudo-3D games out there (I havn't seen all of them).

Dragon Guardian wrote:
I have, well... A few questions about BYOND both relating and non-relating to the Dream engines.

First, I'm curious as to what color capabilities BYOND currently can handle. I have yet to see any 3D or pseudo-3D games out there (I havn't seen all of them).

The current system handles 256 colors only; however it's expected one day to go to 24-bit or more. My hope is they'll go to 32-bit and allow alpha-channel transparency. One can dream.

As far as 3D goes, the engine really isn't built for it. I'm hoping isometric support will be improved in the future to the point where that's feasible at least. I think BYOND may one day get some good isometric support, but I consider it a pipe dream to expect full 3D. (Some have spoken of a Doom- or perhaps Duke-quality semi-3D, though. That's a little more doable.)

Second, Is the blue book necessary to get? I have a good grasp of what I'm doing and have programmed in other languages previously. Could programmers that have moved from working from one language to DM tell me if they got this or not?

I didn't start out with the blue book and didn't find it necessary. I too started out with experience in other languages.
However, once I got more experienced I ordered the Blue Book, and I found it to be worth the money. It presents a lot of more advanced concepts in an orderly fashion, and some minor things that might not be readily obvious from the reference are better documented there.

I'm also wondering what the Blue Book covers, that the help pages and tutorials do not.

The Blue Book offers some very good info on the syntax of the language, but the advanced material like how savefiles work and world.Export() and such is the real gold.

As the pager goes, is there a way to look for key names to chat with and introduce themselves to? If not this would be very useful to chatters like myself that look for someone to talk to on those late-night hours. This is also a feature of many other Instant Messaging programs.

Sure thing. Just add anyone by name to the pager, and you'll see them when they open up Dream Seeker (assuming they left themselves visible).

Is there a line of code that allows full-screen mode?

Not yet. I believe full-screen may be coming soon. The interface is going through a major overhaul in the next release.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR

I was wondering about the color schemes and the such due to my Collectable and Trading Card Game I have been recently working on.

With the pictures I have hand-drawn, I plan to scan them all; cut them, edit them with Adobe-Photo, make them more professional, and turn them into cards. The detail these will have will probably be reduced to 256 instead of 24 bit (Thanks again LJR).

As for the card game, I'm also thinking about printing a few copies of them on thick paper upon finishing them, and playing with a few of my friends.

If they like the concept of the game I may even think about sending them to a CCG/TCG company like Wizards of the Coast, and see if anything works out. (I would love if a game I created became national news)

Also, I will get the Blue Book as you suggested, but I'm guessing the transactions will take some time.
Another question I have; Does BYOND support PayPal for transactions?

James B.
...Guardian of Dragons...
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
The current system handles 256 colors only; however it's expected one day to go to 24-bit or more. My hope is they'll go to 32-bit and allow alpha-channel transparency. One can dream.

Just for clarity, each icon is limited to 256 colors, but each icon has a separate palette so the game is only limited by the color depth of the player's display.

Dantom is working on a 32 bit color dmi format, but that may be a while.
In response to Shadowdarke
Shadowdarke wrote:
Just for clarity, each icon is limited to 256 colors, but each icon has a separate palette so the game is only limited by the color depth of the player's display.

Actually each icon file has a separate palette. It's a subtle distinction but it's more of a limit than if it was 256 colors per pixmap.

Lummox JR
In response to Dragon Guardian
PayPal is supported for depositing dimes or purchasing products offered by Dantom -- all transactions through BYOND games themselves can only be conducted in BYONDimes (as far as I'm aware). Thus, you can use PayPal to fill your account with BYONDimes which you can then use to conduct transactions throughout the BYOND community.
Dragon Guardian wrote:

As the pager goes, is there a way to look for key names to chat with and introduce themselves to? If not this would be very useful to chatters like myself that look for someone to talk to on those late-night hours. This is also a feature of many other Instant Messaging programs.

I cant stress this enough. Goto Chatters, why is it that it that there are still useless posts (not this, but on off topic) that are wasting DanToms bandwidth, when you could be wasting digitalmouses instead :P
But seriously, you want to meet people, goto Chatters
In response to Maz
It really needs a direct link off the Nav Bar. To the average newbie it probably just looks like an average game.
If it had a link on the Nav Bar it would stand out as the BYOND chat program. People too new to BYOND to understand how the HUB works, or pretty much how anything in the BYOND world works would really benifit from it.
In response to Dog Man
Dog Man wrote:
It really needs a direct link off the Nav Bar...

I agree, but I would rather wait until my permanent server was running (hopefully this week if I have time), before making a live link to it...
In response to Shadowdarke
Dantom is working on a 32 bit color dmi format, but that may be a while.

Does that mean we get an alpha channel :)?
In response to Theodis
Theodis wrote:
Dantom is working on a 32 bit color dmi format, but that may be a while.

Does that mean we get an alpha channel :)?

I second that! I don't care about full colour, just give me an alpha channel and I'll be happy. :-)
In response to Crispy
Ditto. You implement translucency and I'll renounce my god. Well, I don't have a god, but that's not the point here.
In response to Spuzzum
Yeah, dithering works okay for transparency, but the icon loses some detail.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Yeah, dithering works okay for transparency, but the icon loses some detail.

I sharply disagree. At 32x32 the choice of dithering patterns is thin, the effect is obvious, and the icon generally looks like absolute crap in small icon mode.
Dithering isn't even close to adequate.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Yeah, dithering works okay for transparency, but the icon loses some detail.

I sharply disagree. At 32x32 the choice of dithering patterns is thin, the effect is obvious, and the icon generally looks like absolute crap in small icon mode.
Dithering isn't even close to adequate.

I must lukewarmly disagree with your sharp disagreement. I can't address the small-icon-mode considerations, but for full-screen use, dithering can be a pretty decent effect; for example, it works pretty well (in my opinion) in Shadowdarke's new lighting library, or with the bubble gun in L&D, or with the exclamation points in DMT.

I'll readily grant that the overall versatility of dithering is very limited -- but in some contexts it can be quite adequate (not only for transparency, but also for color blending). And furthermore, we're all spoiled by this newfangled modern technology... if you want to see some horrendous dithering, check out old C-64 games that were artistic marvels in their day!
In response to Gughunter
How do you think would alpha channel blending work with Click()? Since you would technically be clicking two icons at once.
In response to Dog Man
If there's any colour transferred from the top icon, I would think that it would be part of the top icon. A new mouse_opacity setting (alpha is transparent) could be used to override that.
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
If there's any colour transferred from the top icon, I would think that it would be part of the top icon. A new mouse_opacity setting (alpha is transparent) could be used to override that.

Perhaps if the transparency of the top icon at that location is 50% or less, it's counted as a click on the top icon; otherwise, it's a click on the bottom icon. You could have two new mouse_opacity settings for "any alpha above 0% is transparent" and "only 100% alpha is transparent".
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Spuzzum wrote:
If there's any colour transferred from the top icon, I would think that it would be part of the top icon. A new mouse_opacity setting (alpha is transparent) could be used to override that.

Perhaps if the transparency of the top icon at that location is 50% or less, it's counted as a click on the top icon; otherwise, it's a click on the bottom icon. You could have two new mouse_opacity settings for "any alpha above 0% is transparent" and "only 100% alpha is transparent".

That'd probably work better. Good suggestion.