Jun 9 2002, 11:53 am
Can anyone help me. For some reason, even when im online, byond does not seem to care, and it doesn't recognize that im ever online, so the hub button doesn't appear, i can't download stuff from byond, and the pager doesn't load. why does byond torment me so?
Jun 9 2002, 12:30 pm
Yes.My byond is also acting this way for some reason.
This means BYOND can't get through your firewalls to the internet. You, also, may be running a proxy that's killing it's internet check because sometimes BYOND gives port opening requests remotely. I had to rewrite my firewall so that it would work with BYOND at first as well.
You should check your firewall & proxy settings or ask your local administrator / parents about it. If YOU run it, then you need to read the README and/or MANUALS. |