Well, it's about that time of year again. I've started a short project called Spiel. After it is finished, I'm going back to Domini, I swear. I've even taken a screenshot of the map in it's state as of a few days ago for you, located here. I've made some revisions since then, but I'm too lazy to take yet another screenshot. It's going to be a simple, single-player RPG, probably with multiple maps (meaning multiple goals and multiple worlds to explore).
And for your listening (dis)pleasure, I've made this MP3 and this other MP3 that is a song for you.
Jan 18 2007, 10:38 pm (Edited on Jan 18 2007, 11:21 pm)
Jan 19 2007, 6:58 am
Funky - I just got embedded Damn Small Linux so I'm gonna try and play around with DMCGI if I can work it out.
Hey long time no talk, lol. Were you out of school? We down here in Moore were out all week haha.