Well, it's about that time of year again. I've started a short project called Spiel. After it is finished, I'm going back to Domini, I swear. I've even taken a screenshot of the map in it's state as of a few days ago for you, located here. I've made some revisions since then, but I'm too lazy to take yet another screenshot. It's going to be a simple, single-player RPG, probably with multiple maps (meaning multiple goals and multiple worlds to explore).

And for your listening (dis)pleasure, I've made this MP3 and this other MP3 that is a song for you.
Funky - I just got embedded Damn Small Linux so I'm gonna try and play around with DMCGI if I can work it out.
Hey long time no talk, lol. Were you out of school? We down here in Moore were out all week haha.
Floccinaucinihilipilification wrote:
Hey long time no talk, lol. Were you out of school? We down here in Moore were out all week haha.

So were we, man. Where have you been? That ice storm was horrible, and we're supposed to be getting more snow...well, right now, as we speak.