Just joined a challenge on polish pixel art site. The topic is "sprite/scene/picture/etc" of super-animal with special powers (like underdog, for example :P). Just have to use max. 32 colors.

I picked bradypus and got this much already (still a scretch):

I dont have much time this week, so i will just sit to it each day for ~1h, got time to sunday so i think i will make it :)
Of course im lookig forward for critique and sugestions :)
Looks neat. The background may look a bit tedious with all the bushes, but I guess it fits the theme. Any thoughts on wha you're doing in the white area?
In response to Jordan11
Got few ideas, like mountains, sea or smth :P
In response to Egor
I'd go with some sort of mountain range... quite possibly with a small waterfall.