In response to Maximus_Alex2003
Maximus_Alex2003 wrote:
I didn't like that there wasn't any form of AA.

I don't see any form of AA in your edit. Now to me the outline just looks broken with different shades. Usually with an anime-style you want to keep a solid outline which in most cases is black.

I also think you put too much "smooshing" on the lower chest, and didn't really define a constant light-source.

Lower the color count, and increase the contrast.

The legs are too chunky, even for Anime.

He mentioned above that the base was fitted for putting clothing on easily. Also, the base's legs were fine for the position he was standing, which is not what your edit is doing. I don't stand like that, you don't stand like that, nobody stands like that, casually.

The color palette was okay, but too much like-colors(colours).

5 colors for the base: One for the outline, and the other four for the shading; you used one too many, as did he. The shorts should be a minimum of two and a maximum of three.

Also, don't define a solid dark outline for clothes that are on people, like the boxer shorts. It really brings the boxers out too much, when the focus should really be on the character. Otherwise, the boxer's will appear to be puffy or too big for them to fit in.

I agree with this, to an extent. There should be a definitive line separating it between the skin of the stomach and legs.
In response to Doobly-Doo Productions
1) Never said my base had AA, now did I?

2) The color count is perfectly fine. Too few of colors is out-dated and very "paper-mario".

3) The common person stands just like that, unless you are always standing with your legs stressingly pressed against each-other at all times. That's ridiculous, maybe you should stop targeting me in blog posts and start looking for actual facts. Such as anatomy in this case.

4) No, the colors can be as many as the artist wants. No one has to follow your dictatorship rules. You didn't invent pixel art, nor defined it.

5) You either have to up the contrast by a long-shot or you have to remove lines where the clothes would connect to the stomach and legs, otherwise the clothes -- shorts in this case -- stick out WAY too much. Almost as if he was "paper-mario" and you try to add a 3/4th perspective pair of shorts onto him.
In response to Aristotl3

The second edit focuses more on the "cartoon" look without losing too much detail.
I did shorten the base too, because the 3/4th perspective doesn't really fit well if the legs are too long.
The dark outline is back, removed 1 color to please anyone who feels they are the owner of Pixel Art in general.
Also fixed the legs by 2 pixels so that the hips aren't as wide. Generally, males' hips aren't wide, so I applied that anatomy.
In response to Maximus_Alex2003
Maximus_Alex2003 wrote:
1) Never said my base had AA, now did I?

Usually when you say something is lacking, and you make an edit, you usually put what you were saying was lacking into that edit. So I believed you breaking up the outlines color was your form of a "choppy, and not-so AA" AA.
2) The color count is perfectly fine. Too few of colors is out-dated and very "paper-mario".

Being able to control colors isn't outdated. Yes, you can use as many colors as you want if you know how to use them. Paper Mario is probably the worst comparison I've ever encountered, and if he's going for an Anime-style he wants clean set of colors.

3) The common person stands just like that, unless you are always standing with your legs stressingly pressed against each-other at all times. That's ridiculous, maybe you should stop targeting me in blog posts and start looking for actual facts. Such as anatomy in this case.

A common person doesn't stand with his legs spread, no sir; and that's exactly what you made him do. If you stand like this I'd recommend you see a Doctor. The legs are not pressed together, because if that was the case the base would have to be vertically shrunk by one pixel. The pose the base has now is perfectly fine. As for your "stop picking on me" response, never, ever have I come after you nor do I have some sort of vindiction to chase after you in blogs; don't flatter yourself.

4) No, the colors can be as many as the artist wants. No one has to follow your dictatorship rules. You didn't invent pixel art, nor defined it.

This esque of "you didn't make art" is sort of like Rokura/Aeon. Don't play these silly games about rules and regulations. Because if a person can't control their contrast, colors or do lineart (basically do the basics of Pixel Art) then they have absolutely no right to ensue that they're going out of the boundaries of normal pixelated art. Learn the basics, then you can come and say you were doing something out of the ordinary. But if you're going for a style, like he is, then there are "dictatorship rules" and guidelines you follow to execute the style the way you want it.

5) You either have to up the contrast by a long-shot or you have to remove lines where the clothes would connect to the stomach and legs, otherwise the clothes -- shorts in this case -- stick out WAY too much. Almost as if he was "paper-mario" and you try to add a 3/4th perspective pair of shorts onto him.

I never said that they didn't stick out or didn't look puffy. But you still need to distinguish that the shorts are shorts and not part of the skin. So you need enough contrast to show they're shorts but not too much to make them look like they're too big for the base.
In response to Doobly-Doo Productions
Rlly are you to Bitching at giveing advice
In response to Kama43
Kama43 wrote:
Rlly are you to Bitching at giveing advice
There is advice and there is correct advice. This is about giving correct information that wants it. None of which is "bitching". If you have nothing productive to say, go back to fixing up your base.
In response to Doobly-Doo Productions
Instead of trying to say facts that aren't proven, make it more clear that you are stating an opinion. Don't state something as if it's set-in-stone by the ancient Olympian gods of Pixel Art. Because there are none.
In response to Doobly-Doo Productions
Doobly-Doo Productions wrote:
Kama43 wrote:
Rlly are you to Bitching at giveing advice
There is advice and there is correct advice. This is about giving correct information that wants it. None of which is "bitching". If you have nothing productive to say, go back to fixing up your base.

I am working on my base dont worry about that ok I am just saying that if you want to give your 0.02 about the base that this guy is working on do and dont worry about if they others are not 100% right becuase you are probley not 100% right so give the guy a helping hand and let him take what he wants to take from it your being a dictator rignt now lay off
In response to Kama43
It's called critique, everyone can say anything about others art. What doobly-doo is trying to do is improve what maximus is doing, and also the creator of the thread. What you're doing is back seating and complaining. Pixel art is never perfect, you can never be 100% at anything, but you can start by going the right directions. Now lay off, he's trying to improve what they're currently at.

What Maximus and the creator of the thread is causing massive banding when the pixels are put together like that. It's a bad habit but it can be fixed. Banding is never the right answer but it'll always be there. Cluster of pixels together is bad. Such as the abs on the base on all of them mostly, it's not accurate. Basically what you want is to be able to read whats going on inside the base.
In response to Kama43
Kama43 wrote:
Doobly-Doo Productions wrote:
Kama43 wrote:
Rlly are you to Bitching at giveing advice
There is advice and there is correct advice. This is about giving correct information that wants it. None of which is "bitching". If you have nothing productive to say, go back to fixing up your base.

I am working on my base dont worry about that ok I am just saying that if you want to give your 0.02 about the base that this guy is working on do and dont worry about if they others are not 100% right becuase you are probley not 100% right so give the guy a helping hand and let him take what he wants to take from it your being a dictator rignt now lay off

Lay off when I'm critiquing and correcting someone who is wrong? You're not being helpful at all to the person asking for critique, so if anything, you need to lay off on trying to tell me to compose myself. None of what I've said is in any way threatening.

I'm correcting not-so correct advice, so the author doesn't do something wrong based on what someone wrongly said.
In response to Mesmerise
Actually, not using banding is very outdated for today's time where people want more smooth detail and less rough detail.

Banding is used in larger-scale graphics because if you were to enlarge a piece, like how previous replies to this thread have been about -- ex; see posts with Zoomed In --, it looks hideous when enlarged but moderately acceptable when not so enlarged. The utilization of colors without a big leap of contrast adjustments, is ideal for pixel art pieces that want more detail, can afford using more colors, but don't want a really rough and pixelated appearance.

There's nothing bad about either way, to be honest. Anyone's opinion is just their opinion.
I didn't read quite clearly what the author of the original artwork wanted to accomplish until they mentioned darker outlines so I assumed a more Anime look, hence my most recent edit. The one before that is more about eye-pleasing.

Also, Doobly-Doo Productions, you cannot simply correct advise. Advise is opinion. There is no correcting someones' opinion.
In response to Maximus_Alex2003
Maximus_Alex2003 wrote:
Actually, not using banding is very outdated for today's time where people want more smooth detail and less rough detail.

Banding is used in larger-scale graphics because if you were to enlarge a piece, like how previous replies to this thread have been about -- ex; see posts with Zoomed In --, it looks hideous when enlarged but moderately acceptable when not so enlarged. The utilization of colors without a big leap of contrast adjustments, is ideal for pixel art pieces that want more detail, can afford using more colors, but don't want a really rough and pixelated appearance.

There's nothing bad about either way, to be honest. Anyone's opinion is just their opinion.
I didn't read quite clearly what the author of the original artwork wanted to accomplish until they mentioned darker outlines so I assumed a more Anime look, hence my most recent edit. The one before that is more about eye-pleasing.

Also, Doobly-Doo Productions, you cannot simply correct advise. Advise is opinion. There is no correcting someones' opinion.

" However there occurs a lot of banding by the inexperienced artist (or the experienced artist in a hurry) that has no artistic merit." Banding is bad if you can avoid it, no matter how you put it. It is acceptable if it's unavoidable, but in this case, it's completely unacceptable.

Your opinion isn't needed if there is a more solid opinion backed up by practice. Inexperience isn't practiced.
In response to Doobly-Doo Productions
"Your opinion isn't needed if there is a more solid opinion..."

Opinion is just opinion. It's not some law of life. Don't pray so much by what you hear on the internet.
In response to Maximus_Alex2003
Don't be wrong and I won't have to falsify your opinion. Opinions can be proven wrong, in which your case has been slammed shut.
This isn't helping anyone, so I'm done posting until the author posts asking for more help.
In response to Doobly-Doo Productions
That's where you aren't understanding the fundamentals of logic.

I'm not logically wrong based on your opinion. You are displeased with my statements, but it in no way serves as me being wrong.

Would you kindly take your ego and place it aside to speak more competently.

So much for being done, huh? Had to get the last word in, huh? You're a big shot now, huh? Gloating a flawless defeat, huh? Denying any rational statements because they aren't what you say, huh?

Next time, leave your ego behind before you click that "post" button or even behind before you click the "reply" button.
In response to Maximus_Alex2003
I actually don't like this one lol but anyways about the hips being "wide". If you notice, his legs are spread apart, they're not straight up and down, what you were seeing wasn't his hips, rather his legs spread apart! But I do appreciate you taking the time to edit while retaining a calm, professional attitude and what not, keep going at it if you want, I'm def gonna use some of your aspects when I fix it.
In response to Maximus_Alex2003
Wow, so it took me about 10 minutes to read all this lol, but at any rate, both of your had some points that are applicable to my base. I plan on using what I can, where I can. Thanks! I'll re-post after I've done my "re-editing"
In response to Aristotl3
Well, im currently in a serious brain exercises on my engineering reports so I have the strenght to repost my posts after being 'cleaned'. So as I said all of your edits are messy(unless you wanted to achieve the top notch DBZ Hyper Dimension level- sorry failed) and the effect they bring makes me dizzy when looking at them. Learn to keep it clean or otherwise its nothing more than a pile of squares ergo your time&effort was wasted.

ps.I have copied this text to notepad just in-case I need to repost it again *shishishi*
In response to Maximus_Alex2003
Maximus_Alex2003 wrote:
Actually, not using banding is very outdated for today's time where people want more smooth detail and less rough detail.

Banding is used in larger-scale graphics because if you were to enlarge a piece, like how previous replies to this thread have been about -- ex; see posts with Zoomed In --, it looks hideous when enlarged but moderately acceptable when not so enlarged. The utilization of colors without a big leap of contrast adjustments, is ideal for pixel art pieces that want more detail, can afford using more colors, but don't want a really rough and pixelated appearance.

I normally stay away from senseless threads like these and just laugh in the background; however, I have to disagree completely with this quote above. Banding still very much frown upon in "today's time" by any respected artist. Also, even though Doobly might have said it in a rather rude tone, he has a few points that I have to agree that you keep trying to defend. For instance, the stiff unnatural pose that you say is "normal". No one stands like that (comfortably) unless you are part of the army or something.

In addition, the broken outer line looks horrible. Above all, you failed to fix the real problems that his base suffers; such as, the proportions, and perspective among others. Please do not take this response as any form of insult. I am only stating my opinion as a third neutral party.

As for the OP, I made this base a while ago ( the one in the last link); I hope it serves as good reference and helps you see what the flaws in your base are. By no means is my way of doing things the "right" way as such does not exist; however, take what I have to offer and learn from it and developed your own thing. Remember, art is the result of one's creativity and there are no wrong or right answers.

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