Apr 21 2010, 7:50 pm
Well im trying to make the Hokage mountain side cliff with the faces,but im having trouple with it any good tut u might kno on pix faces, able to do the whole wire frame technique but doesnt work very well wen pixelling
In response to Proxy.System
good idea but,>_> would't that just cause ppl to flame on me for that
In response to I.loves.ninjas
Why would they? Isn't it best to keep it as close to the actual anime/manga as possible? Though obviously, it'd be a lot better if you iconned the entire thing yourself.
In response to Goldengohan
-.- i am trying to but so far got 1 head sumwat colored but shading it will be difficult
In response to I.loves.ninjas
try to use 3-4 colours at most for the shading, probably work with just 2 O-o. 3rd could just be used for detail :P
In response to Proxy.System
well I'm not that good .....ill try but that's too little colors for me i think
In response to I.loves.ninjas
But it's not best to go overboard on colours bro :<. Simplicity wins all =D
Or you can do what alot of people do and copy the faces onto your mountain and just trace over the top in pixel, but thats a cheap way, but effective if you want to do it quickly I guess.