I had little to do and decided to make a base icon to kill some time.

anyways, they are both the same type the one to the right just a little shorter.

Jarquille wrote:
I had little to do......

You're making a One Piece game, how do you have little to do?

And about the base icons, I prefer the first one. Since the second one got an odd looking head.
In response to Azure Productions
Azure Productions wrote:
Jarquille wrote:
I had little to do......

You're making a One Piece game, how do you have little to do?

And about the base icons, I prefer the first one. Since the second one got an odd looking head.

I've but the project on a hold. It's too much work for me alone. so i'll probably be helping out someone else with their projects.

how's your project going? being more than one must get things really going, when can we expect this game to be released?
In response to Jarquille
I have no idea. However progress is going a lot faster than expected. I recently made the sailing system, and although it's not quite finished, I'm getting there. I considered it to be the hardest to do, so I guess I'm quite ahead of schedule.
I guess the game is expected to finish at the end of 2010, IF there are no obstacles in my way.

I'd also love to show you guys some screenshots of the map and the base icon, but I'm afraid that someone might rip it. But you know, perhaps I'll upload a screenshot or two in the near future.

By the way Jarquille, I love the outlining of the Kuma and Maggelan icon on your Hub. Good job.
In response to Azure Productions
You should make him less stiff looking, lighten the chest and move the eyes 1 pixel down. (second base)
In response to Narakzi
thanks ^^ i'll try that.
In response to Azure Productions
thanks. personally i think kuma got abit too bulky, i made him loong time ago(well not that long) but when i was a real newbie and didn't know the basic stuff. im still a newbie but im alot better then when i made him.

I think i might redo him, add some shading and colors too, the colors that are on him right now are just some junky colors i put on real quick, with the bucket tool.

If you study them both closer you'll see that i've gotten better when i did magellan, also spendt alittle more time with him, did just a slight pillow shading :P i'm still learning the shading parts.

magellan still needs his wings and such, and i believe i could've made him even better, (well both of them). if i wasn't soo dead set on using 64x64 as size. the hat and horns of magellan are not that visible, only indication of there even being a hat is the yellow up there xD. but i guess with better color choises i could enhance the visual aspects of it. black on black or black on dark gray wasn't really the best choise :P

but the outlines are quite alright, at least on magellan. my friend kuma i'll have to redo sometime.
In response to Jarquille
Nah, Kuma is bulky, that's just how he is. His outlining is rather perfect. ;D
Though it still needs a lot of shading.