Tall Weak Hollow South View

Tall Weak Hollow Side View

Weak Spider Hollow South View

Weak Spider Hollow Side View

Well Ive never really worked using a light source, i normally stuck to pillow shading but recently ive been messing around with light source shading, so if you guys could give me some C&C on how they are, it'd be great ^_^ , also ill be posting my knightmare(Code Geass) frames for some C&C over here soon
OMG I think your a god at this stuff T.T keep it up!!
Good start, but what your doing is called gradient shading (Don't get me wrong, but its a step up from pillowing by far.) You might be able to improve if you showed more depth and texture.

The best example I could make would be like this..

A wooden floor:

You could vastly improve if you learned how to use textures, and use darker colors for depth, and lighter colors for highlights.