Alright I was working on some new sandbags, but I came to an issue when making the vertical ones. I don't know how to make them look right, without looking to stiff and perfect, so yeah any help would be appreciated.

The sand bags I need help with are on the left, the horizantal ones are just to show what they look like horizantally(Screw spelling).
Bakasensei wrote:
Alright I was working on some new sandbags, but I came to an issue when making the vertical ones. I don't know how to make them look right, without looking to stiff and perfect, so yeah any help would be appreciated.

The sand bags I need help with are on the left, the horizantal ones are just to show what they look like horizantally(Screw spelling).

All you needed to do is mix it up a bit lol, maybe show some lumps with the lightest color, Also it may have came across weird because it was show on a more birds eye view without a side look on it, other then that theirs nothing really else lol

In response to Chris-g1
Well see that didn't really fix the problem, I already had done something like that, I meant for a tileable vertical sandbag(One that keeps on going) it just looks weird with just those 4 bags going down
In response to Bakasensei
alright. so why dont you use your first icon... it should keep on going. and chris's icon could be shown as an end of the vertical sand bag.
In response to The Communist Cow
I'm just saying it looks all too perfect and weird. But I guess that's like the best it can get without breaking perspection.
In response to Bakasensei
the curves in the sand bags going horizontal... imagine those in a birds eye view. the reason why they look weird is because the curves in the vertical sand bag are even. the curves in the sand bags horizontal(at the top) are different from each other. Maybe that will help a little on that problem.

I would edit it now, but i am really busy and just had time to stop by the forum.
In response to The Communist Cow
Ah right, I rushed them and didn't think about that, thanks it should help.
In response to Bakasensei
no problem