I was looking through some Inkscape tutorials and I stumbled on this collection of RPG map graphics. While some of the 100+ images are line art doubles, I think some people could find a use for at least the buildings. Their creator, Nicu, has put the entire package in the public domain. He also created a tutorial.
Could you post the link it would help
In response to LJRJ
There were three links in the post. Hence the yellow text. =)

RPG map graphics:


Thank you very much for showing this ACWraith! I really enjoy the style and this tempts me to make a side-project with this style of artwork hehe. Great find on your part for the resources and the helpful tutorial! I'll deffinatly have to try my hand at producing artwork of this style. If you'd like to see them or help or talk or whatever we could keep in contact over the pager or preferably AIM(Username: [email protected] yes that's my username unfortunately, accidently put the email part where it asked for my name e_e). Then we could share and help eachother out with this style of art and throw some ideas together if you'd like mate!