
[Order from Left to Right: Running state, Punching state, Kicking state, Shooting state, Blocking state,Jumping state]

Hello B.A.S.,
Its been a while. I haven't posted in here for probably a month... been busy with learning Java coding in school. :D My teacher doesn't teach so I pretty much have to learn by going on youtube and figuring it out for myself. >.< Anyways, this is a recent base I made. So far its only for a side scroller... not sure what game though. Lol.


Everything looks like how I wanted it.. except the running state. It looks like how an anime girl would run as if she was running in slow motion. Lol. Everytime I see it I laugh at how funny it looks. Also, you probably noticed I said "Screw eyes... there dots now!" thats because I don't like eyes and on a 32x32 icon eyes just don't look good... or they look the same as everyone elses. I'll probably soften my outline as well.. seems alittle dark. >.<

Well, I have to goto school in 10 minutes, just felt like posting and getting some advise. Good or Bad! Probably bad... but I like bad... it helps me improve. :D So.... more bad than good. >.< If your gonna post dont post "Looks good." please(Unless you really want to.). That doesn't help me at all.... At least find something bad about it. ANYTHING! You could brutally beat my soul down with critizim and I wouldn't mind. -loads gun- Or will I? Jk. Okay, I wasted enough time babbling... >.< Bye! Hope you comment when I get back in 8 hours. Lol.
Wow man, this is a good base, with a new look as well. Keep it up man, I don't really see anything wrong, but the running state looks kind of weird...maybe it's that you have the right arm going up when the right leg is going out.
In response to ShadowiceTeam
Oh, thats probably it. Thanks for the help.

Hope Pmitch or Hulio comment.(or Baka or Maggeh or Monkey or anyone I left out that usually helps me. >.<) They always know how to pick out the crap in my work and show me how to fix it.


~! Fixed the arms....
~! Soften'd the outlines :D
In response to Akto
Lol, I'm really busy right now with finals (and probably the same with everyone else I assume) so I can't really take time away right now. I will however try to post a crit next week.
In response to Maggeh
Lol. Same here. Finals and Regents... ugh. They're a pain. I only got to make this after I was done studying for my Math B regents. Its gonna be a tough test... I better pass it. >.< Thanks anyways, at least you posted. Lol.

Edit bump! Grabbing States. Left is the Grabber, right is the grabbed.
Ignore the outline... It changed back >.<
In response to Akto

Lol Random crap with the base! :D Lol. Goku has an afro! >.<
In response to Akto
Where did the contrast go!!! The base was looking great, I liked how it had a different style than most, and noticeable features cause of its high contrast. Though with these things you made they look flatter than paper, you need to use the same contrast on the clothes and hair as you did with the skin.
In response to Bakasensei
Lol. I see what your talking about. Lmao! Flatter than paper! I can't stop laughing... It was a quick 10 minute thing.